chp: 31

268 11 10

lightning and the male in front of him were staring at each other. hayate coughed briefly before looking between the two.

lightning shivered, he felt his sister and father. he looked around, seeing two new rain ninjas standing next to one with weird snake like eyes.

he studied them, it felt like them. he didn't get much time to think as hayate gathered their attention.


don't strike first.

lightning didn't even have to repeat that in his mind, the male lunged at the leaf ninja. lightning rolled out of the way, pulling three kunai's out. he threw them, his eye narrowing as he knew the male was going to dodge his attack.

lightning had smoke appear around him, then he appeared in front of his opponent, punching him square in the jaw. the male flew back and rolled a bit.

lightning heard whispers in his mind, shaking his head to get rid of them. more than likely he surprised his blood relatives, they never taught him that. lightning learned that on his own, with the help of kakashi. it wasn't perfected, he can't necessarily use his smoke to get to a place if there were a barrier.

his opponent composed himself, using the same tactic that lightning used. the male just lifted his hand, catching the first one coming at him. he then used it to block the other one's coming at him.

he looked to see the male running at him, he saw the person going in for a punch, but as soon as he went to catch his fist, he switched positions. he spun and kicked lightning directly in his chest.

the kick was harsh and strong, more than likely it was supposed to hurt. especially since lightning hit the wall, some of the pieces flew past his head. some blood dripped down his chin before smoke went over it and the blood disappeared.

he looked up to see gaara staring at him, then to his disguised family.

he went to walk out of the wall, but was slightly pulled back as his arm was stuck in the wall. lightning pursed his lips, if he were normal he would be freaking out.

"lightning?!" naruto shouted, the blond was worried for his friend.

especially since they've gotten back from the forest of death, lightning and sasuke were acting off. the blond wanted to know what was going on, so he would have to ask lightning.

lightning blinked, he then yanked his arm out of the wall. using his other hand to block his face from the rubble that went flying at him. lightning rotated his arm, popping it a bit. smoke wrapped around his arm and he was able to move his arm again after the smoke disappeared.

"was that supposed to hurt?" lightning asked out loud.

his opponent wasn't the only one shocked to hear that. the ones who didn't know about lightning's healing abilities gasped with their eyes wide.

"you mocking me?!"

lightning truly wasn't mocking him, he was very curious. would it hurt any normal person?

his opponent pulled out a scythe, glaring at lightning.

"oh. weapons now?" lightning shrugged, he was fine with that.

he walked forward, reaching behind him and pulling out his two hook blades. lightning's hook blades spun in his hands, he brought them to the ground, thrusting up as he created a smoke screen.

he ran in the smoke, no one could see what was going on. all they could hear was the metals clashing together. they wanted to know what the fuck was going on, who was winning, who would win?

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now