chp: 29

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it was the second to last day of the second phase. throughout the day he felt like someone was watching him, but when he looked around there was no one. he didn't feel like it was in a creepy way, more of 'i'm watching over you in case something happens' type of way. at night, he sometimes would see gaara, they would only stare at each other. lightning would wave, gaara would hesitantly do the same thing and lightning would leave him be.

now lightning wished for a distraction.

lightning felt like he was a ball of anxiety. his mind jumbled on his team, he was so worried and scared for them.

they still had time, he had to think positive, but the more time that went by the more lightning felt like falling. but he couldn't, he was pacing back and forth. he was trying to stay moving.

don't think the worst, they'll make it, they'll be fine. it's okay. they're strong and they have reasons to live. they'll be fine, don't fret. yeah, they'll be fine. they'll be fine.

he kept repeating that in his head, hoping it would calm him down and make him feel at ease. but he just couldn't help it. his palms began to sweat, he stuck them in his pockets.

continuing to pace, ignoring the eyes he felt. he didn't care who was watching his calm freak out.

"dude calme down," lightning almost jumped out of his skin. he was so focused on his thoughts he hadn't realized someone snuck up on him. "they'll be fine."

lightning turned, he almost jumped out of his skin again. it was kiba. he had a big toothy grin, his hands up and waving down in a reassuring manner.

lightning was confused, he thought kiba would've avoided him. he thought the brown haired male would've been scared and skeptical of him. after all, he saw a part of him he kept hidden.

kiba blinked, not sure why lightning showed a weary expression. then it finally clicked.

"oh, duh!" kiba smacked his forehead, "you gotta do what you gotta do right? although, i don't think he needed to die."

kiba cupped his chin in thought, humming as he closed his eyes. lightning couldn't tell what he was thinking. all lightning could tell was that he was blushing with embarrassment.

"u-uh... yeah." he whispered. "i think... i think i'm going to tell him what happened. i don't want any secrets."

"yeah?" kiba asked, "well, i'll always be here for ya! i don't think sasuke would mind."

his black eye with violet swirls looked even duller than usual, what if kiba were wrong? kiba patted lightning's back, pulling him out of his thoughts. there was that big toothy grin from earlier.

"don't listen to what shino said earlier. he doesn't really know the bond sasuke and you have. so, i think everything will be fine!"

lightning seemed to relax.

"your boyfriend and friends are fine." kiba smirked at lightning's blush, grabbing akamaru off of his head, putting him down. "you like dogs right?" lightning nodded his head, "you can play with him, if you want."

kiba didn't know lightning could make that expression.

his face glowed, his eye widened in delight as it shined like a child trying a milkshake for the first time. it was an adorable sight.

lightning sat on the ground, akamaru quickly went to the bi-colored haired male. lightning pet his white fur, smiling wide as he began to play with the dog.

kiba began to talk about their time in the forest after lightning left, the quiet male occasionally responded. he always made sure kiba knew he was listening.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now