chp: 15

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naruto continued to do some alone training. his training going well into the night as he desperately tried to reach the top of the tree. he wanted to get his chakra control down, he wanted to be able to go home and tell lightning of his success. of his minor improvement against the uchiha that was so 'cool' in the bi-colored haired males eyes.

naruto was so distracted by these thoughts that his foot split into the tree, he cursed, taking his kunai and marking where he last stepped. he then proceeded to fall not so gracefully on the ground, rubbing his ass from the impact of the hard dirt.

he looked up at the moon, wondering what lightning was up to. he then concluded that lightning must be asleep. it was night after all. who would be up at this hour?

lighting was on a post, one leg out the other bent. he used his chakra to keep him balanced and stuck on the top of the post. his eye looked around the sleeping city, jealousy rising that they were cozy in their beds.

he sighed, tilting his head back to the sky. he stood straight up, switching legs before bending and holding that position.

his eye looked at the two brightest stars, smiling gently as they only shined in his world. he couldn't take his eyes off those mesmerizing stars, but eventually he had to look away.

only because he lost his balance and slipped off the tall post. he turned his body, putting his feet out as he planted on the ground softly.

he began to walk back to his shabby apartment, passing by sasuke's apartment. he stopped for a brief second, looking at it and beginning to miss his team.

kakashi had sent him a letter to keep him updated, and he immediately skipped to the parts written about sasuke before going back and reading the rest. when he read what naruto had been up to, a proud smile spread. 'guess you'll prove you're cool, huh?' was what he had said when he read the letter.

lightning finally walked back to his apartment, deciding to make a midnight snack, munching on it as he looked out the window. he hoped they were sleeping, that they would be well rested for their journey. but he had a feeling that naruto was still up and training.

if sasuke were up, would he be looking at the night sky too?

lightning sneezed, rubbing his nose. he knew he wasn't getting sick, but there was no way someone was talking about him at this hour. so why did he sneeze?

who would be up at this hour?

besides naruto from training and lightning because he can't sleep...

there was one other person up in the night.

sasuke uchiha. and of course, he was also thinking about lightning.

he was laying on his futon, his eyes pressed to the ceiling. it was as if he were waiting for the wood to cave in and attempt to crush him, that's how hard he was staring at the object giving him protection.

he didn't know why he couldn't sleep, there was no possible reason as to why he was up. he trained a lot, his body was exhausted and in need of sleep. but his mind was wandering away as it continued to run from the thought of sleep.

sasuke turned on his side, resting his arm underneath his head, staring at the nothingness of the black void the night sky created.

he couldn't take it anymore, he had to go for a walk, or look at the night sky, or do something. he quickly sat up, removing the blanket and going to the front door of their temporary staying place. he grabbed his ninja shoes and slipped them on as he quietly left the tiny home.

he walked well into the forest they were training in, deciding to lay beneath a tree. he didn't feel like running up one, his body was still very exhausted and he needed a reason to lay.

the night air was a bit chilly, but the breeze felt nice.

"lightning likes the cold." sasuke mumbled out loud, "says it gives him an excuse to go out with a blanket."

the mere mention of the quiet male brought a smile to sasuke's face. he had his hands rested behind his head as he looked through the leaves and into the starry night.

sasuke hummed slightly, now having his entire mind filled with lightning. the boy was an airhead, but he was very collected and calm. sasuke enjoyed lightning's company, he enjoyed the warmth his heart would feel whenever lightning was around.

he shook his head, there had to be a thought process first. there was no way he liked someone. lightning is just someone he can look up to and admire.

but could sasuke deny that he missed lightning? no, he couldn't. sasuke wasn't a liar.

sasuke looked at the night sky, remembering the time he saw lightning walk around the village, on instinct he left and wanted to join. so, now, he lies beneath the tree and only thinks that lightning stargazes.

"maybe he'll want to stargaze with me?" sasuke felt sleepy from the cool air and the outside world.

at least, that's what he thought. but every second that ticked by with lightning glued to his memory, with an unanswered question about lightning being asked flew through the air, he felt like there was already a blanket over him.

he told his body to get up, to walk back to the house and sleep in his futon, but his body stayed put. it liked the warmth it was imagining right outside.

he looked to his right, a tree root sticking up from the ground was right next to his head, he didn't like looking at it. so he looked to his left, seeing an open space of grass and more trees lining the forest. he liked looking at that.

his body turned to face it, but it still couldn't get up.

his mind played a trick on him and made a shining silhouette of lightning. making him look at a smile that sasuke wanted to continued to see. he made him giddy for some odd reason.

"isn't the night sky beautiful?" sasuke imagined that phrase would be what lightning would've asked. "the stars are breathtaking. it's like a path."

sasuke closed his eyes, head titling to the side briefly. the image of lightning disappeared, but he couldn't help but fall asleep to mere thought of being next to lightning.

maybe because it was due to lightning not being able to die from a fatal wound, or maybe because lightning was strong and skilled, but sasuke felt safe. sasuke felt he could let his guard down around lightning.

they had similarities, that sasuke knew.

lightning was a male of secrets, so was sasuke.

sasuke dreamt of nothing but the warmth of holding lightning in his arms. he dreamt of nothing but lightning. and even in his sleep, his heart knew what it felt. because in his sleep, his heart was beating rapidly. and he never wanted to wake up without knowing if lightning felt the same.

sasuke opened his eyes when a sudden light hit his face. the sun was briefly beginning to rise, he yawned. even with the little sleep he got, he felt well rested.

he finally got up, going back to the house, sneaking in before anyone woke. but, things don't always go as planned.

"someone was up late last night." sakura wiggled her eyebrows. "couldn't stop thinking about our precious lightning?"

sasuke showed no reaction. "i just went for a morning walk." he then went to his room.

sakura 100% didn't believe him. but she giggled. she was going to bring it back up at breakfast, if she got the chance.

~this chapter was on a whim, this was not in my drafts.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now