chp: 4

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after about three days -including the excruciating nights- none stop of running to the next destination, i managed to find the village. i stopped a few trees away, climbing the branches and taking deep inhales of air. i brought my map back out and squinted, holding it up to the moon, making sure it was the right place.

i nodded to myself, this was the right village. i would have to wait till morning though, it was after all, the middle of the night. the gates must be closed by now.

i sat on the branch i was standing on, fiddling with the fishnet i usually wore. i closed my black eye and leaned against the bark, my fingers anxiously tapping the edge of my thigh. i opened my eye and got my journal out, finding it necessary to finally write in it again.

hi, it's lightning again...

it's been awhile since i've written in here, huh? i remember writing about running into that drunken old bastard, tazuna. correct? yeah, correct.

well, sad news... i had to leave the village i barely just started calling home. sister and father found me again. good news, it took longer than before so i'm getting better.

i just couldn't bear? bare? i can't remember which one it is, i haven't been to school in years, but anyways! i couldn't lose them. i had to leave, to protect them. i didn't want others in pain because of me, only i can handle the suffering they give.

you hear that? that's sound of someone going on, someone finally living a free life. all because we protected them, we finally did something right. we are finally getting stronger, smarter, faster. we have toned our jutsu -practically mastering it- and we are now trying to control our left eye.

future me, i believe in you! keep working hard, but take lots of breaks. word of advice: you forget easily that our loss of sleep affects our body and health, so take it easy. i had to learn that the hard way. now i'm reminding you so you don't make the same mistakes i did.

in more ways than one.

anyways, sorry that this was a bit shorter and not as interesting as the others, but there's really not much to write anymore.

~ yours truly, 12 year old, lightning

i closed my journal and leaned back on the bark. my fingers delicately skimming the rough outer edges of my run-down journal.

these next couple of hours are going to be longer than i anticipated and hoped for. i grabbed my bag and reached in, digging for a snack and some water.

i grabbed very little from them, i felt wrong for doing that, but i needed to survive. once finding it, i chugged my water first and then began to eat my snack. once finishing it, i closed my eyes and rested my hands behind my head, relaxing a bit. every now and then sending a small ounce of chakra to my brain, keeping me awake -sleepy- but awake.

when i finally opened them, the sun was shining through the leaves. barely missing my face. i stood up and dusted myself off, i jumped down and looked forward. the giant gates appeared in front of me. i took my first step to a new home... again.

i still had a little ways to go, but it would be worth it. at least it would look like i'm an wandering traveler in need of a new home... or a lost little boy in need of a new home. well, no harm in going, not like they would know.

my feet echoed to my ears as each step grew closer. the gates getting bigger and bigger, my pace picking up till i was practically running towards it. my heart beating rapidly at it, i was so... so close.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now