chp: 26

291 13 10

lightning had his hands behind his back, concealing his presence as he trailed behind a three man team. lightning was lucky to have found someone this early, he probably would've been bored.

lightning tilted his head up, the trees blocking the sun. he pushed some of the hair out of his eye, dropping a few of the white strands he pulled out.

he tapped his headband, the metal shook over his covered eye. his eye twitched beneath each tap. it had been so long since he's used that eye, he could feel it begging to be released, but he refused.

he looked forward again, noticing he was gaining on them. now to the point he could hear them talk.

"so far, no luck." one sighed, turning their head, "what if we never find the right scroll?"

"you worry too much. it hasn't even been 10 minutes."

"yes, be patient. we will find the scroll we need, so you two, shut up." lightning only assumed he was the leader of the group.

"but what if it never happens?" the one who was worrying continued to worry.

lightning snickered slightly, he could understand where that male was coming from. he used to be like that.

"we will kill whoever gets in our way." he spat, "and we will get our scroll."

lightning rolled his eyes, they wouldn't even get the chance to fight someone. lightning could feel his father's blood coursing through him, the need to kill was growing stronger. and since he was alone -in a place known for people being killed- he just couldn't help it anymore. he had to get rid of this bloodlust before his friends caught wind of it.

lightning did a few hand signs, putting his hands on the next branch he stepped on. mud spilled out and extended out before grabbing all three of them. his fingers clenched, the mud grew tighter as they gasped.

"what the hell?!" they shouted.

lightning jumped over them, flipping and landing gracefully as he spun to face them. his eye was blank, and he only cracked his knuckles. he didn't say a word as they struggled, but the mud practically hugged them tightly.

"who the hell do you think you are, little boy?" the leader of the group sneered.

lightning pouted, little boy? that's offensive.

"i suppose the one who will kill you." lightning shrugged.

the other two shivered, those words were unsettling. he wasn't attempting to get their scroll, he didn't mention it once. so even if they did have the scroll he was looking for, he was just there to kill them.

the one in the middle glared, narrowing his eyes briefly before a neutral expression overcame his face. lightning almost lost his balance if not for maintaining his chakra control on the balls of his feet.

"you're not the only one who can use earth style." he moderately said.

the mud broke, lightning just put his hand in front of his only eye. bits of the mud hit his palms. when he looked, he saw the male had left his two underlings.

"pathetic." lightning mumbled. "you have some leader." he walked to the two, still feeling the leader's presence near.

he sliced one's throat, then put his hand on the mud of the living male. his fingers clenched through before breaking through the mud. his fingers cut through the male's skin, a light smirk overcame the bi-colored haired males face. the agonizing scream was music.

he briskly checked them with a shadow clone, both sighing. no scroll, he groaned and his shadow clone disappeared as he ran after the leader.

it's not like they could continue anyways, his team was dead.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now