chp: 13

515 19 10

days before lightning came into contact with kabuto, team seven had come into contact with someone dangerous themselves. but, we're getting ahead of ourselves, let's start right when they're traveling on a boat.

"this fog is so thick, you can't see anything." sakura pointed out, looking around.

a slight shiver going up her spine, she wished lightning was here, she felt more safe with the dangerous male who couldn't get injured. which was ironic, she was the only who knew -besides kakashi- on who he was, but she never told a soul. she couldn't betray lightning's trust like that. for all they know, he's just a dangerous person. they know nothing about his past, sakura doesn't either, but she knows the brutal parts of it.

"the bridge isn't far now," tazuna's boat steerer began, disrupting the silence put between them. "our destination is just ahead, in the land of waves."

even with the fog, they could still see the bridge. it wasn't finished, but it was large and breathtaking.

"woah, it's huge!" naruto said, excitement bubbling up as it was known in his voice.

if lightning were here, he would've smacked naruto's head and hush him. they were talking quietly for a reason, their voices soft, but it seems naruto had not read the room. he was a knuckle head.

"quiet!" the one with the boat boar whispered- shouted, "i told you no noise. why do you think we're traveling like this, huh? cutting off the engine and rowing, moving through the dense fog, so they don't see us."

naruto clamped his mouth, eyes wide. he now wished lightning was here to shut him up. even though the male was always quiet, he knew when to stay quiet. he would scold the blond, that's for sure. he ignored everyone looking with blank faces, instead focused on kakashi who spoke next.

"mr.tazuna," he said in his normal volume, voice smooth and light, looking at tazuna who was looking at the boat, "before we reach the pier, i want to ask you something." it was silent for a bit. "the men who are after to you, i need to know why. if you don't tell us, i'm afraid i'll have to end this mission, when we drop you ashore."

tazuna grunted. titling his head up a bit, eyes closed as he took a deep breath. the only person who knew of his plans was lightning, before the male left in the night and never spoke to them again. up until recently.

"i have no choice but to tell you." he kept his eyes closed for the briefest moment, opening them and looking forward. "no. i want you to know the truth. like you said, this is beyond the scope of the original mission. the one who seeks my life, is a very short man. who cast a long and deadly shadow."

"a deadly shadow?" kakashi raised a brow, interrupting him.

tazuna hummed in agreement, kakashi hummed back. he wondered if lightning knew already, after all, he made it a big deal to not come to keep everyone safe. now he wished the male was here in order to elaborate or even give a look if tazuna was lying. and he was rather fond of the bi-colored haired male.

"who is it?" kakashi asked, shaking out of his thoughts.

"you know him. at least i'm sure you've heard his name before. he's one of the wealthiest man in the world, the shipping magnet, gato."

that single sentence made kakashi's eyes widened, "gato?" his voice clear with surprise. "of gato transport? he's a business leader, everyone knows him."

"who? who?" naruto leaned on his palms. "what? what?" lightning would've found that amusing.

"gato... is a very powerful tycoon, from a very famous company, that's true. but below the surface, with the same ruthless methods he used to take over businesses and ships, he sells drugs and contraband. using gangs and ninja." tazuna looked up a bit, "it was one year ago, when gato first set his sights on the land of waves. he came to our island to use his vast wealth to take total control of our transport and shipping. anyone who tried to stand in his way, simply disappeared. in an island nation, a man who controls the sea, controls everything. finance, government lives, but there's one thing he fears. the bridge. when it is complete, it will joins us to the land of the waves, that will break his control. i am the bridge builder."

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now