chp: 38

176 6 26

not proof read!! let me know if you see any mistakes

it was a quiet little sand flight. the wind pushed his bi-colored haired back, his black eye with violet swirls looked excited. he greatly missed sasuke and needed to see him...



... he can punch him.

"so what are you going to do to uchiha?" gaara asked.

he raised a brow and looked at him, he was curious. and if he was helping lightning get there to kiss sasuke, he would've grown irritated and slightly... jealous? he wasn't sure, that was an unknown emotion.

"punch him." lightning said, grinning adjusting his headband.

gaara snickered, feeling better by lightning's response.

lightning looked around, seeing a bunch of dirt like rocks and stone making a small canyon. he shifted on the sand, his eye scanning around until the closer they got. he saw two people practicing... well one person.

sasuke had some type of lightning around his hand as he slammed it into a giant stone. shattering it a bit.

my names lightning and he's using lightning. lightning giggled at his little joke, before stopping when gaara looked at him.

lightning looked amazed at the move. but it quickly went blank. gaara was still looking. the closer they got, the more it was obvious they were coming.

sasuke looked up, eyes widening slightly as he lowered his hand, his chidori disappearing. his eyes never left lightning's eye.

"lightning?" he softly asked, knowing lightning couldn't hear him because he still wasn't that close.

kakashi looked to see lightning coming their way. he then looked at sasuke to see him completely distracted. kakashi smiled beneath his mask, shaking his head.

sasuke began to walk towards them, his pace picking up when they were right there. he didn't care that gaara was with lightning, he cared that he got to see lightning.

lightning jumped off the flying pile of sand. when he landed -once more- he slipped on a stray pile of gaara's sand. he fell back and landed on the ground.

sasuke stopped walking towards lightning, he covered his mouth and hunched over and he laughed. trying to keep it muffled.

"you're always slipping." sasuke commented.

lightning sat up, pursing his lips in a pout as sasuke tried to muffle his laughter. he got up, sasuke stopped laughing when lightning began to walk towards him.

he parted his arms, waiting for a hug. lightning gave off the innocent vibe and had his arms out as if he were going for a hug.

gaara smirked, kakashi looked away also smirking.

once lightning was close enough, lightning punched sasuke's gut. sasuke hunched over, then lightning flicked his nose and then his forehead.

"can you stop punching my gut."

"can you stop keeping secrets." lightning snapped back.

sasuke looked up at lightning, standing up and sighing softly. he put his hands on lightning's shoulders. his thumbs rubbing an infinity shape.

"i'm sorry." sasuke began, pulling him closer and hugging him. he kissed the top of his head. "why don't we go talk?"

"you're training." kakashi said.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now