chp 10:

820 24 19


it was a silent walk to lightning's apartment. he walked alongside sakura as the other two were behind them. both sulking for different reasons.

naruto sulked because he could've easily walked on lightning's other side. sakura called dibs on his right side, so he was going to walk on his left, but a certain uchiha had that same idea.

they kept elbowing each other, eventually pushing each other's face. lightning was beyond confused on why they were fighting, he looked between them, then looking at his pink haired companion.

"why are they fighting?" he asked in a hushed tone.

sakura blinked at him, pursing her lips and asking herself why the male was stupid. "no reason." she said, she punched naruto's head, "walk behind us." she crossed her arms and huffed.

"ow! sakura!" the blond whined, but fell back and sulked.

sasuke smirked in triumph, going to walk alongside lightning, but the two colored haired male shook his head. sasuke was beyond confused.

"naruto needs a buddy." lightning said.

"no." was the immediate response.

lightning frowned, "alright." i'll walk next to him then.

lightning began to slow down, and once sasuke knew, he cursed and went to walk next to naruto. he did not want naruto to be the one to walk next to lightning, so he sacrificed his pride and walked next to the blond.

the small smile lightning had was more than enough for sasuke to get over his future regret. but he still sulked, because he was jealous that sakura was the one walking next to him.

sakura linked her arm with lightning, the male brightened. he didn't expect sakura to be more open towards him, especially since in the beginning he felt her having a certain distaste directed towards him. he didn't want to ask her, he rather liked her being nice. he was afraid she would punch him and yell at him, just like she does to naruto.

they finally arrived at the rundown apartments. naruto ran passed the two and went to lightning's apartment, going to pry it open but it wouldn't budge.

he scratched his head, "it's locked."

lightning blinked, removing himself from sakura's hold and walking to his door. he took the key out and unlocked his door, letting them in first before he walked in.

naruto scratched his cheek in embarrassment. lightning patted his shoulder, before closing his door behind the blond.

"thank you for having us." they said in unison, taking their shoes off and leaving it by the apartment door.

lightning took his boots off, going to put them in his room. he walked out to see them quiet and sitting on the couch. lightning walked and sat in front of them, he lifted his knees up and rested on them, tilting his head.

"what made you guys want to stay? i mean, naruto is a given, we're neighbors and share the dirty apartment building. but you two? i wouldn't think it's your style."

sakura pinched lightning's cheek, "you're just so cute. besides, sasuke looked like he wanted to join."

sasuke glared at the pink haired girl, she gave a closed eye smile. lightning hummed. waving off the tension that sakura emitted.

"hey, hey lightning!" the two colored haired male looked at naruto, his expression light as he was eager to hear what naruto had to say. "maybe one night it could just be us two staying the night." he grinned, laughing slightly.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now