chp: 28

275 12 12

it's been a day since the drowning. lightning looked up, the sun was down and the moon was up. lightning rather liked the moon, it was always there when he couldn't sleep.

he sighed, he was getting frustrated. frustrated from seeing no other ninja, not even one that didn't have his scroll. and, he was getting lonely. lonely from having no teammates and lonely because he hadn't seen his team.

he wondered if they were okay, what was going on?

this was the second day, maybe they are already there.

a frown overcame lightning's face as he stopped moving.

i miss my sasuke.
i miss naruto.
i miss sakura.
what if they don't make it out alive?

his face went back to being stoic, his frown gone. he shouldn't be thinking the worst, they were strong. they can make it through, he doesn't need to worry.

besides, naruto's going to be the hokage, he can't die before then.

lightning was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard rustling beneath him. lightning blinked, jumping down. he reached behind him and pulled out his hook blades.

as soon as his feet hit the ground, he began to block each kunai being thrown at him.

lightning could've allowed the kunai's to pass him, even so much as cut him, but he didn't need that. he didn't need them to know he could heal, he didn't need them to figure out he probably didn't feel pain.

it was best to act like he couldn't allow himself to get injured.

"show yourself." lightning said clearly.

he felt two people's presence, he grew on guard. there were supposed to be three men squads -with an exception of lightning- so why were there only two? nothing about them seemed familiar.

his eye slowly widened, he felt his covered eye go haywire, glowing even more. the two people popped out from the bush, it was the people he was related to sorely from the blood they share.

not his family, they will never be his family.

a spike of fear hit lightning, his grip on his hook blades tightened. he needed to get rid of them, but his body wouldn't move.

the man smirked, "dear child, it's been quite awhile." he chuckled, walking closer. lightning took a step back, but got nowhere as his father's hand clamped down on his shoulder. "come home, your sister and i dearly miss you. we can provide for you and protect you, you don't need to become a ninja. leave this village, everyone would think you died here."

lightning gulped, shifting back.

he can't protect me.

he can't protect me.

he can't protect me.

they don't miss me.

they don't miss me.

they don't miss me.

he doesn't want me home.

he doesn't want me home.

he doesn't want me home.

but there was this feeling, wanting to go home. wanting to be a family, not wanting to feel so alone. a need to go with them.

lightning took a step forward, but his team flashed in his mind, sasuke lingering longer than the other three. kakashi, naruto and sakura were smiling at him, allowing him to be closer to sasuke who just held his hand. that is where he belongs, with his team, with the village, with sasuke.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now