chp: 25

332 16 20

"woah- what is this place?" naruto asked.

lightning stood next to sasuke, looking into the fenced forest.

"this is the location to the second phase of your exam." anko said. "it's the 44 battle training zone. but we call it, the forest of death."

"forest... of death..." naruto mumbled out.

"so cool." lightning said, now he could put his skills to use.

sasuke shook his head, nerves spiking up at just the thought of lightning being alone. he had to make sure lightning stuck near him the entire time, he nodded his head, that seemed like a good idea.

"sasuke..." lightning nudged his side, when the uchiha looked at him, "look." he pointed and there was a moving box like rock thing right in front of naruto.

lightning giggled when it started following naruto. sasuke only smirked, but not at naruto, at lightning's innocent reaction.

then colored gun powered littered the sky in that area. out popped three kids, lightning pouted, it was no longer amusing.

"i'm moegi, the sassiest kuniochi in preschool."

"i love algebra, call me udon!"

"and im konohamaru!"

lightning pouted once more, he didn't care who they were. sasuke patted his head, but he perked up when he heard about an interview. anko called a 10 minute break so the people being interviewed could line up.

"that's so stupid." sasuke mumbled.

"i'm being interviewed." lightning said.

"that's so not stupid." sasuke said.

they walked further away from the crowd, they sat on the ground while naruto went in front of a tree trunk with the three. lightning was next to sasuke, their arms brushing as sakura stood above them.

after naruto was interviewed, the three kids walked to lightning. their eyes shining a bit up at the bi-colored haired male. lightning stared blankly, feeling his heart burst now that it was his turn.

"naruto gave us a brief explanation about you, lightning." konohamaru smiled, "but we want to get an insight on your skills and who you are."

lightning nodded standing up and sasuke followed his lead, his fingers pinching the back of sasuke's shirt.

"what's so special about your hook blades?"

lightning pulled out one of his hook blades from right inside the sheaths behind his back.

"hook blades are used from the toughest metals and materials." he stated, smiling slightly, "the hooks on the end are used for cutting very thick and heavy-duty materials. and it's probably one of the cleanest cut weapons." he put his hook blade up.

"what are some of your best highlights in fighting or sparring?"

some of the best lightning had he can't necessarily share. especially if it involves his family, so he stuck with what he does best.

"rock lee works hard, and he's one of the strongest. his entire team have special qualities that most can't amount to. i can hold my own and i can almost beat rock lee. in mission's and battles, i'm unscathed and never get touched. i use my head and my strength at the same time." he pointed to the male next to him, "i way stronger than him too."

sasuke smacked the back of lightning's head, the male snickered. leaning closer and resting his head on sasuke's shoulder. his hair slightly touching sasuke's cheek and it felt weird, but a good weird, and it was slightly tickling the uchiha.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now