chp: 44

174 6 13

lightning had a gut wrenching feeling that everything was going to start going down hill now. with the death of the strongest and their protector, to the funeral for everyone, to sasuke's marking.

he was starting to think negative, he shook his head to rid those thoughts. he didn't want to think negative, he had to think positive, sasuke promised it would be okay.

lightning was a very negative person, but not many people know this because he keeps it hidden. not wanting anyone to worry, so it was hard thinking positive.

"are you alright, lightning?"

lightning snapped out of his thoughts, looking at sasuke and giving a weary smile. sasuke noticed a bit of potato on his cheek as he got a baked potato, so sasuke grabbed a napkin and wiped lightning's cheek.

kakashi studied the two. lightning merely nodded, but sasuke didn't believe him, so he held his hand under the table. his thumb going up and down on hand.

kakashi owed sasuke a meal, and the uchiha decided to invite lightning with him. wanting the male close after being apart for so long. kakashi had no idea he was paying for two meals, but here he was.

after eating, kakashi paid and the two left.

"you think naruto is okay?" lightning asked.

"he's an idiot, so no." sasuke shrugged.

lightning shook his head and he hugged sasuke, stating he'd go find naruto and check up on him. wanting to make sure he was okay. sasuke nodded, he had things he wanted to do anyways, so they parted.

lightning found naruto in a forest, getting up and tightening his headband.

"that's enough for now." naruto said.

"better be, you're supposed to be taking it easy." lightning said from behind.

naruto yelped and jumped in the air, glaring at lightning who snuck up on him. lightning smirked, then the both laughed.

lightning had his hands lazily stuck in his pockets as he titled his head.

"what are you going to do now?" he questioned like a brother, scolding him.

naruto pouted, rubbing his foot in the dirt. "take it easy."

"good, you should be resting." he said.

naruto nodded his head, scratching his cheek and running off. he smiled at lightning as the male shook his head, chuckling and leaving. now that he got his checkup down, he was going to find sasuke.

he flipped his eyes once he knew was alone and zeroed out on sasuke's chakra. following the path.

he found sasuke on the roof they had their first team introductions. he flipped his eye again. sasuke was laying on his back, hands behind his head. he stopped behind sasuke's head, peeking into his field of vision.

sasuke smirked, "he okay?" he asked, lightning nodded. sasuke patted the spot next to him, "then join me."

lightning laid next to him, keeping a small amount of distance. they just looked at the sky together in silence until kakashi's bird flew above them.

sasuke sat up, "kakashi-sensei?" he scoffed, "the heck does he want."

"you apparently." lightning got up with sasuke, grinning as sasuke shoved him a bit.

"come with me?" sasuke said, "no more secrets."

lightning grabbed sasuke's hand, intertwining their fingers. he rested his cheek on sasuke's shoulder as they began walking to find kakashi. they found kakashi in front of a small dango shop.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now