chp: 18

440 21 11

lightning jumped off the hokage monument carvings, flipping backwards. his head facing the ground, his right hand going over his head band, keeping a firm grip on it as he felt a rush of wind hit his lungs.

he felt free, a light smile overcame his face. he turned his head, the smile dropped as he saw his father and sister. he gasped a bit, turning and landing on his feet, but he fell on his ankle the wrong way.

he looked at his ankle, grimacing that it was turned the wrong way. smoke went over his wound as his ankle was back to normal. he shook it a bit.

"did you hurt yourself?"

lightning turned his head to see sasuke.

"no." lightning got up, dusting himself off.

he turned back to the direction of where he saw his father and sister. but they weren't there. he felt rather conflicted, he didn't know how he should've felt.

sasuke waved his hand in front of the male who occupied his mind. lightning blinked his only eye showing, slowing turning his gaze away from the empty path and made eye contact with sasuke.

"you spaced out on me, are you alright?"

not sure. "fine. just did some training and got distracted."

sasuke perked at that, looking down slightly and grabbing lightning's hand. lightning tensed at that but soon relaxed when it felt comfortable and warm. his facial expression showed he was confused and wanted answers.

sasuke realized what he did, he began to lift lightning's hand up.

"hn," he looked back up, dropping his hand. "you don't have any scratches to prove you were training."

"calling me a liar, uchiha?" lightning cocked a brow, annoyance and anger surfacing behind his tone.

sasuke lifted his hands up, "we could train together?"

lightning hummed, "alright." he narrowed his eye, "but if you suck i'm going to be mad."

"more mad than you already are?" sasuke asked, walking, lightning falling into step.

they walked a bit, going to the same training ground kakashi did his bell test. lightning stopped as sasuke walked a few more steps than the bi-colored haired male. he turned on his heels, red eyes making eye contact with purple and black eye.

"sharingan?" lightning said, "think of me as that much of a threat?" he smirked slightly, his eyebrow furrowed in a teasing way.

sasuke rolled his eyes, but it wasn't as if lightning was wrong. sasuke knew of lightning's strength, it was only a matter of time before lightning knew and would hone it and surpass a lot of people, himself included.

lightning took the first move, running at sasuke. his arm behind his back as he pulled out one of his hook blades.

sasuke jumped out of the way, seeing his hook blade get stuck into the dirt. sasuke took it as his turn to attack. he grabbed a kunai, holding it between both hands as he was ready to strike, but lightning took his hook blade and thrusted upwards.

sasuke stopped, scanning his surroundings as there was a smoke screen made from the dirt lightning had his weapon in. he hummed, it seemed as if lightning was planning that.

sasuke back flipped, tilting his head down to make eye contact with lightning. sasuke smirked, his red eyes seem to brighten as he turned, putting his foot on lightning's back and kicking him forward.

lightning stumbled, slipping in the dirt and landing with a proud 'oomph' as he slowly got up and dusted himself off.

sasuke covered his mouth, but couldn't help it. he began to laugh loudly. lightning turned his head, his eye glaring at sasuke, sasuke quickly stopped laughing. but it was still amusing.

lightning put his hook blade up, squatting a bit and getting in a fighting stance.

"let's dabble with hand to hand?" lightning asked, "i've been needing to work on that more." i want to see if rock lee's help and neji's help hasn't gone to waste.

"sounds fun, try not to fall again."

sasuke ran at lightning. his fist going out for a punch, lightning moved his head down, dodging the punch. he turned quickly, kicking sasuke's gut.

sasuke fell to his knees, grunting before putting his hands behind him and flipping backwards as lightning came with a punch. he ended up punching the ground and running towards sasuke.

he failed to notice he cracked the hard dirt beneath his hand. of course, he didn't feel anything as small bits of smoke healed his hand. and he didn't notice that either as he was focused on sasuke.

they went back and forth for awhile, sweat trailing down their faces. they were slightly hunched over, their breathing uneven as they were huffing. sasuke's sharingan went away, his onyx eyes looked tired.

he wanted to win, so, he ran at lightning when his guard was down. he pulled his right hand back, ready to launch the last punch.

he went forward, lightning glanced up, catching sasuke's fist. he fell back, taking his foot up and putting it on sasuke's gut. kicking him backwards as sasuke landed behind lightning with his back on the ground.

lightning was also laying on the ground. their heads close as their hair spread out and touch each other's strands. lightning still had a hold on sasuke's hand. not letting it go.

lightning laughed, surprising the uchiha from the sudden sound.

"ha! you landed on your ass!" he said, sasuke scoffed, unlatching their hands.

lightning giggled, turning his body towards sasuke. when sasuke did the same, their noses touched. a light blush spreading across their faces, but they didn't dare move.

lightning hummed, closing his eye. relishing on how close sasuke was and his warmth. sasuke smiled at the tranquil expression that overcame the healing boy. he tilted his head down, their foreheads touching and their noses stopped touching.

lightning opened his eye, wanting to ask a million questions. wanting to do a million things.

"lightning!" naruto yelled.

"sasuke!" sakura yelled.

the two pulled away and sat up. lightning put his hands on the ground, turning himself to where he was next to sasuke. the black haired male got up, putting his hand out as lightning took it.

they dusted themselves off, nodding to their blond and pink haired companions.

"kakashi sensei has missions for us tomorrow! be there bright an early." sakura said, giving a closed eyed smile.

"no fair! were you guys training?!" naruto pouted.

lightning smiled at the two, his facial expression content. he waved to three, taking his leave. waving off sasuke who wanted to walk him home.

once far enough, he touched his forehead, his smile growing and a blush coating his cheeks.

"you seem happy."

lightning looked up to see kakashi. the bi-colored haired male nodded slightly. his mind flashing between sasuke, and their quiet atmosphere after their training. it only made him smile more.

"does this happen to do with a certain team mate-"

"don't know what you're talking about!" he quickly said, "see you tomorrow!" he then ran off.

kakashi chuckled, pulling out his book. he had been keeping a close eye on sasuke and lightning. he saw the two react to each other subtly, even for the briefest moment.

he saw the way sasuke wanted to know more about lightning's past through tazuna, knowing lightning wants to know more about sasuke's past. it's only a matter of time before it's spilled and they grow closer.

lightning was now in his apartment. deep in the blankets and hiding himself. he felt the warmth of the blankets but it felt nothing compared to sasuke hugging him, to sasuke being near him.

lightning was in it deep. he only hope sasuke was the same way.

~on a whim, did not have this chapter.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now