chp: 43

181 6 6

lightning ran, his hands behind his back as his footsteps were quiet. there was no noise left from him as lightning was taught at a young age to be completely silent. this came in handy in situations like this.

he was tracking naruto, sakura and shikamaru who were tracking sasuke and gaara. lightning had flipped his eyes again to see better and see someone's next move. he could see different types of footprints on branches that not many people would have seen.

he licked the inside of his cheek, hoping and praying he'd see sasuke safe. he just got him back, lightning didn't want to lose sasuke again. he'd probably go completely silent if that were to happen.

lightning felt two people near and fighting, he had hoped it was sasuke close. but instead, his footsteps faltered and he slipped off the tree a bit. he grabbed a branch that went a bit above him when he fell, he spun himself and landed on the branch.

how much did i miss already in my fight with kabuto?

lightning hummed as he was watching kankuro and shino fight. it seemed shino wanted his chance to fight, lightning didn't know who he wanted to win. he liked kankuro, and he was somewhat friends with shino, but they never really spoke. he shrugged and continued on his way.

he was a bit disgusted at seeing so many bugs. he shivered a bit, knowing he would never get on shino's bad side. who knows what the male would do if lightning pissed him off.

although, seeing that weird puppet was cool. lightning wanted to touch it, he noticed the poison dripping from a blade on the puppet, if he needed to die he knew who to go to.

he just hoped the both of them would be okay as he did see the puppet's head fall and kankuro being crawled over by bugs.

lightning knew he was close now, they must have gotten separated in trying to protect gaara. he wasn't all that upset from the betrayal, he was beginning to feel something was off anyways, also he's lightning. he knows things. (he didn't, he overheard them, he just didn't care).

he probably should've told sasuke, but he did basically only see him once since the male woke up. that's not on lightning, it wasn't his fault.

when he finally arrived, he froze a bit. his feet planted to the branch as he used his chakra to keep him balanced as he almost slipped once more from what he saw.

he was torn between two emotions, awe and horrified.

awe because seeing the one tail -which he knows is gaara from the first night they spoke- fighting naruto standing on... the nine tail? naruto admitted it to lightning days ago when he first found out, fearful that if lightning found him out he'd hate the blond, so he told him.

although, his heart did shatter and reach out to the both of them, he hoped they would be okay.

lightning got side tracked. he titled his head, isn't the nine tail supposed to not be showing? like gaara. unless that wasn't the nine tails, but either way the fight was still cool and the bi-colored haired male was in awe.

but, lightning opted on being horrified.

he noticed sakura attached to a tree from hardened sand, her eyes closed and she looked like she was on her last minutes. she was paler than before.

he looked down and noticed sasuke laying down on a few branches away from her. his body hunched in pain and those same black markings from that mark he's gotten.

lightning jumped down in front of sasuke, squatting and gently cupping his cheek. the pale boy looked up, his fingers curling on his shoulder as he widened his eyes from seeing lightning.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now