chp: 46

156 5 6

lightning and sasuke were sitting in a comfortable silence on lightning's couch. well, sasuke was sitting comfortably. lightning was laying on his stomach, writing in his journal that was basically resting over sasuke's lap, his legs up and kicking back and forth.

sasuke tried to take a peek, but lightning flicked sasuke's chin upwards and then covered his journal with his other arm.

"come on, i want to see." sasuke grumbled.

"no." lightning said, still writing, "not yet." he added so sasuke didn't pout.

sasuke sighed, but grabbed a book to entertain himself. his fingers running through lightning's soft white-violet hair.

dear journal,

i am currently with sasuke. my stupid uchiha who's not mine yet, but by a technicality we're together. we've confessed and we kinda act like a couple, but i'm quite thrilled for when it does happen.

we haven't really talked more after the confession about where this leads us, but we did state we want to be a bit older. we are young and we're training to be ninjas, we just have to be careful.

on a better note! sakura and naruto are coming over in a few minutes. we're having a real bonding sleepover in my apartment. apparently they love being in my apartment, i don't know why, but they say it feels like home to them. which makes me happy because sometimes even i don't feel like this dingy apartment is home.

but they're my home. sasuke's more than just my home too, he's my voice. and i can't wait to have a sleepover, i hope we have more fun. last time was a bit awkward, but now we're all used to each other and i'm close with all.

that's all for right now, i'll probably add more after the sleepover. so this will remain unfinished until tomorrow. oh! there's a knock, it's them, i'll come back later!

lightning jumped up, startling sasuke. the journal fluttered to sasuke's lap, the male glanced at it before closing it. lightning didn't want him to read it yet, so sasuke would respect his boundaries. sasuke didn't want to break lightning's trust.

"lightning!" naruto shouted.

"naruto!" lightning returned the energy.

"lightning!" sakura squealed.

"sakura!" lightning returned the energy once more.

sasuke rolled his eyes, "dobe. pinkette. my dearest." he grumbled to himself, not saying it louder for them to hear.

the three walked back in, sakura gave a small smile and naruto sneered. sasuke rolled his eyes, waiting for lightning to come back to his rightful spot next to sasuke.

"i'll be right back, i'm getting snacks." lightning walked to his kitchen.

sasuke immediately got up to go help. seeing lightning open his cabinets for the snacks he bought just a few days ago. sasuke stood next to him and began to pick up the ones he already set down. lightning smiled at him, sasuke returned it softly.

they brought the snacks out and naruto brightened at seeing one of his favorite snacks -thanks to lightning introducing him to those chips- in sasuke's hands.

"alright lightning!" naruto practically cheered, running and snatching the chips from sasuke before running back to the couch.

sasuke's eyes twitched, lightning snickered but said nothing.

naruto plopped on the couch and immediately began chomping on them. sakura looked at him disgusted, her lips curling in a sneer and her tongue stuck out momentarily.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now