chp: 14

432 19 7

lightning was upside down, his feet sticking to the roof of the library. he was reading a book on the uchiha clan. eyes grazing over every word printed on the paper. he began to walk around the roof, mumbling the words he was reading.

he turned the page, he was disappointed that he couldn't find anything about his clan. he realized he would probably have to go to his run-down hometown for the information he was looking for. he shivered, he didn't want to step back in that place and remember what happened a few years ago.

he wasn't ready. he couldn't return home.

the only reason why he kept reading over the clans for information was because he found it interesting. he could definitely win spars and wits against whatever clan he was fighting. he did have a photographic memory. so it was simple for him to remember whatever his eyes land on.

he finished the book on the uchiha clan, well, almost. he stopped reading when the last bit of information on the uchiha clan had the title of 'the birth of the uchiha and the fall of the uchiha' he felt he would be overstepping. he rather ask sasuke himself and learn. not go behind his back and read about it, accidentally let it slip and have the expressionless male be mad at him.

he jumped off the ceiling, his feet making no noise. he scratched his cheek, blushing a bit at the thought about the uchiha. although, he grimaced, remembering how cold he really is. so there's no way he could possibly like him.

lightning shook his head, i just admire him because he's cool and strong. i don't like him.

he put the book up, grabbing the other books and putting them up. he reached for another, head leaning on the shelf, he yawned a bit. closing his eyes briefly. lightning snapped his eyes open, sending chakra to his brain and shaking his head.

he would not fall asleep, he couldn't. he rather run for the rest of his life than to fall asleep and have a nightmare or remember his past.

lightning waved goodbye to the librarian. he had got quite close the female as he was in there day after day, hours upon hours. after she realized he was quiet, she was more than happy to smile at him whenever he walked in at opening and leaving at closing. his friends on the other hand, she would frown upon and ignore them because they were lightning's friend.

lightning started his way home. he picked up a few groceries for his lonely dinner. he frowned because it's been a week. his thoughts going to his team. he did miss them, he didn't like eating by himself when naruto would always stop by a few times a week to eat with him. every now and then sakura and sasuke joining.

will they come home? are they okay? why is it taking so long?

he put his hand over his chin, the bags of his groceries hitting his chest slightly as he continued to think.

this can't be right, there's something wrong. lightning thought, tazuna what the hell did you get my team into? i should've gone. i should be there. maybe then it would be complete. maybe it would've been faster.

he blinked out of his thoughts, looking around. his wrists getting red from the bags hanging off of them. but he saw a lake right in front of him. he shrugged, and put the bags down, rubbing his wrist as he sat in front of the lake.

he closed his eyes at the slight breeze pushing through his hair. he touched the headband, making sure it was still over his eye, and then he relaxed when it was over it, letting the wind blow past his hair. he watched as the leaves gently moved from the wind.

he took his combat boots off, dipping his bare feet in the cool water. he slowly stood up, walking on the water a bit, looking down to see fish swimming beneath him. he walked back to the ground, sitting on it, keeping his feet dipped in as he laid back and looked at the sky. the blue slowly turning into black as stars appeared.

is my team well? is my team looking at the stars tonight? is sasuke looking at the same sky as well? are they training? what are they up to? what's sasuke up to?

lightning sat up, putting his combat boots back on. he grabbed his bag of groceries, thankful he didn't get anything cold or frozen. he ignored the thoughts about his team, ignoring the thoughts of sasuke blooming right after.

he would not think about him. he shouldn't get close. but he couldn't help it. he couldn't stop thinking about their well-being.

they took him in, accepted him for who he was. they bought him ramen. they wanted to stay the night with him. they wanted him to go on the mission. he felt wanted and needed.

especially with sasuke.

he did it more subtly ways, keeping an eye on him. he stayed quiet but it was easy to notice that he slightly cared about lightning.

he walked with him at night to make sure he was safe, he helped him cook, he slept next to him. he wanted to walk with lightning all the time.

lightning's heart began to beat rapidly, not understanding this feeling.

lightning knew he was lost in his thoughts for too long, he realized it when he stepped in front of his shabby, broken apartment. his face heated up more when he realized he was too busy thinking about sasuke to get his apartment key out and let himself in.

he quickly pulled his key out, unlocking and walking in. locking it behind him. he made himself a quick dinner, putting the rest of the groceries up. as he silently ate he still thought about them.

i hope they're okay, i hope he's okay. he did promise me, so he better keep it.

he cleaned his dishes, sighing softly as he left his apartment. not forgetting to lock it first. he then climbed the roof of the building, hands behind his head as he counted the stars again. continuing to send chakra to his brain as he waited for the sun to come up once more.

and when it did, he smiled gently. getting up with the sun.

~i didn't have lightning sticking to the roof using chakra while reading about clans. i also didn't have him read about the uchiha clan, just that he found things interesting.

~also didn't make him have photographic memory, nor did i have him think about returning home to learn more.

~didn't have him thinking about sasuke before almost falling asleep on the shelf. also didn't have him go to a shelf.

~he didn't make a bond with the librarian or have her notice he was quiet.

~i switched it up and put lighting lost in thought on the way home, before i had it when he was still at the lake. and i didn't give him much thought to sasuke except that he was thinking about him, i didn't go in depth about it.

~i didn't have him get groceries or leave the library around dinner time. i had him going home without dinner and arriving at the apartment as the sun came up, but i changed it to that instead.

~next chapter will have a bit of sasuke thinking about lightning. i was going to include the zabuza arc, but that will be the chapter after. and with the zabuza arc, it will have sasuke's promise. ;)

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now