chp: 50

88 2 4

lightning ran, he continued to run like he always did. like he was so used to doing. he needed to get to his team, to his mission, to sasuke.

he couldn't bare the thought of losing sasuke, not when they're like this. not when they're about to patch things up.

once lightning finally saw the ocean in view, his eye narrowed. beneath his headband his other eye started glowing more, clawing to get out. this mission wasn't sitting right with lightning, but he had to focus. he fixed his hair over his eye and jumped in the air.

he focused his charka to his feet, he landed gracefully on the water. a small splash jolted around him before he looked in front of him again.

lightning flipped his eye to get a better view, there he saw them battling three ninja still. their ship destroyed and they weren't standing on the water. it looked harsh, but lightning wouldn't have time to think about them.

he was still on a mission and idate was unprotected. he licked the inside of his cheek and had to make a quick -but very hard- decision.

lightning began to run, hands thrown behind his back and his feet quiet. he looked focused as he looked around, spotting idate making it to land. he flipped his eye back to its original colors and ran past his teammates.

they didn't notice, they were too focused on not drowning. right now, lightning's focus was the mission and saving the 'kid' as lightning branded him. he acted like one with naruto around.

lightning pushed himself like he never could before. he saw an outline of another figure, so he picked his pace up. he was always quick, he didn't get his nickname from walking, but this time he went faster. his legs ached but he didn't care.

he jumped up, using the chakra on the bottoms of his feet to push off the rock and climb it. he jumped onto the land he saw idate in, scanning it briefly. there he saw the porcupine haired male lying on the ground, twitching slightly.

from the light mist and fog, he couldn't tell who the guy was just yet. but all he knew was he was holding something and about to stab his mission.

lightning acted without thinking.

lightning was quick, almost like a dart and he jumped in front of idate. he could easily heal, this would be nothing to him.

lightning's eye slowly widened when he took the blow to his shoulder, but that's not what shocked him. what shocked him was that he could actually feel it. he winced at the pain, holding his shoulder. there was no blood, but there was no heal either.

the pain began to sear through his body, causing him to drop to his knees. he tilted his head up, seeing the guy and his eyes widened. a headache began forming at a memory resurfacing.


"make a poison!" lightning's father yelled at the green haired man.

"what do you need it for?" his voice slightly skeptical as he took a glance at lightning.

lightning was just lying on the table. no straps, no ropes, nothing to keep him there. but he was so exhausted, his body hurt tremendously. he shook slightly and rotated his head up. he made eye contact with yellow eyes.

the man flinched, lightning looked horrible. his eye was a bit swollen over, slowly healing as blood was trickling down his lips. his arms at his sides as he had no energy to move.

"we have to get my son, lightning, immune to poison." atmatio grunted, crossing his arms as his face was in permanent glare.

lightning's eye slowly widened, he felt like he was tied to a chair. a crushing weight over him and keeping him from moving. he felt gagged because when he opened his mouth to protest, nothing came out.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now