chp: 2

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6 years ago:

i was out in the back yard, sitting on the ground as i watched my family. my father and sister practicing with kunai's. my mother watching them with a smile while holding my new born brother.

we all seemed so happy. our family was so perfect. i looked as lyson made grabby hands towards my direction, so i got up walked towards them. looking at his baby face.

"momma, can i hold him?" i asked.

she gave me a sweet smile, carefully handing him to me. she helped me hold him the correct way before fully releasing.

"hello lyson! i'm your big brother! i promise to protect you and mother from any harm. count on it! see your sister and father," i pointed as his head went in that direction, "that's your big sister, alia, but she will be watching over father in the future. so don't get hurt, okay?"

i put my index finger on his stomach, poking him a bit. lyson giggle, biting his finger as he began to laugh. i smiled widely at that, he was so adorable and we were so happy.

but slowly the scene began to fade, blackness overcoming as they began to disappear. their eyes were completely black along with their mouthes before they practically turned to ash beneath my stare. my smile faded and my mouth widened in fear, i took a step back.

i slipped and fell backwards, screaming before it was muffled. i looked around but it was only darkness, i couldn't see myself.

i clawed at my throat as water seeped into it, pulling me further into the darkness. i couldn't cry for help. my hand reached out but no one came to pull me out. slowly my eyes began to close.

i tried to keep them open but the lack of oxygen was getting to me. i fully closed my eyes, hearing laughter in the background, but i wasn't apart of it.

i launch myself forward gasping for air. my eye widened in fear. i put a hand over my chest, feeling my heartbeat go millions of miles. i closed my eye calming myself. it was only a nightmare.

i opened my black eye, and looked around, i noticed it was still dark outside. so it was the perfect time to keep moving forward. it would be very easy since the moon was out, hiding my shadow and hiding me. although, it's a lot harder to see my surroundings with one eye, but i couldn't risk opening my other just to see.

i rather stay blind with one eye and see the full picture than have both eyes and only see half.


i was strapped into a chair, i struggled to break free. i was stuck in my basement. i had both my eyes open, one violet and one black. i was looking around, realizing i was alone. but i still couldn't get free.

"help!" i tired to say, but it was muffled.

something was blocking my mouth. but why would they make me silent? what if there was no one to hear me anyways, it was futile. i looked down, kicking my feet.

i heard footsteps and i looked up, seeing my sister and father. i had a bit of hope in my eyes. instead, they ignored my gaze.

"hey dad, what serum do we need to use for him today?"

"the serum we conducted yesterday. i want to try it out now, and we have a great test subject."

she nodded her head and went to the opposite side of the basement, getting the serum. and slowly, memories came flashing back. how could i forget they always experiment on me, day and night. i began to struggle, now having more attempt to leave.

alia turned around, making eye contact with me. she smirked, clearing her throat and looking at our father.

"he's awake." she said in a sing-song voice.

he snapped his head up from the many equations and looked at me. a sinister smirk curved up and sweat rolled down my face. i was feeling uneasy.

"good, it makes it easier for us. he needed to be awake for this anyways."

he grabbed the serum from alia and walked towards me. my breathe caught in my throat as i watched him walked closer and closer.

he harshly grabbed my face, which would've been a perfect time to wince, but i was numb. i could no longer feel pain.

he reached for a needle and dabbed it in the serum. making sure to get every last drop.

i was ready for my arm to get injected, but he grabbed my neck harshly and put the needle near my left eye. they widened as he stuck the needle in it.

the feeling was weird. it felt like he was tearing my eye out. i was thankful i couldn't feel pain, but i still had the urge to scream. as soon as the needle left my eye, i tightly shut it. letting a scream out.

"what the hell is the stuff?"

they just laughed and brought in an injured bird.

"open your eye." my father said. "look at this animal."

i hesitated, not wanting to do as he said, but my eye began to open on its own. i was horrified at what he did. at what i did.

i quickly shut my eye as my father praised the experiment for working, before knocking me out.

flashback over:

i shook my head from the memory, touching my closed eye before grimacing. i hated myself more and more. i always kept my left eye closed ever since that day. but my hair also kept it hidden, but no harm in having it closed. i wish i was able to open my eye, it would help me see further and easier.

i still could never use it against someone, it goes against everything i stand for. everything i'm running from and hiding from. everything i couldn't do.

i grabbed my bag and put the kunai's in my pouch. i stood up and stretched, running my fingers through my hair and making sure it was still hiding my eye. i began to hop from tree to tree again, keeping quiet. avoiding any danger i possibly could.

this is my life now... will it ever be different? will it get better?

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