chp: 24

321 16 15

lightning walked with his team to ichiraku ramen. naruto talking about how excited he was for the next phase, that he didn't even write a single damn thing on his test and still passed.

"hokage worthy." lightning said, his voice blank.

they looked at him, not sure if he were joking or being serious. his tone and voice weren't helping. naruto grinned, wrapping and arm around lightning.

"lightning when i become hokage, i'll make sure you have a great place to live and have enough money for food and other little things!" his smile contagious as lightning couldn't help the smile on his face. naruto then faced sasuke, "except you. if you end up being with lightning in the future, you get nothing." he stuck his tongue out at sasuke.

sasuke narrowed his eyes, trying not to take offense to that. but he didn't mind being with lightning in the future, that really sounded plausible.

he walked to the two, grabbing lightning and pulling him into his arms. his hand going over lightning's head and putting it to rest on his shoulder. his other hand around his lower back.

"and since i will- might be ending up with lightning, i rather you not touch him." sasuke glared.

lightning was very thankful his face was covered. he was blushing heavily, hearing those words were odd, he never really heard anything so reassuring and comforting. although, it didn't help that the cause of his blush was tightly holding onto him.

sakura, you're good at ruining the moments... save me! i'm starving.

like an angel she is, she whisked lightning away. pinching his cheek before patting his head.

"come on lightning, while they argue and glare, let's go eat."

"sounds good, i'm starving."

"HEY!" the two shouted.

"run lighting!" she grabbed his wrist and began running to ichiraku ramen.

they almost caught up, so lightning lifted sakura up and ran with her. he made a good amount of distance between the two as he made it to their dinner plans.

him and sakura sat down, sakura ordered her usual and lightning pointed to what he wanted. he may have started talking more, but that didn't mean he still didn't get tongued tied. especially around people he doesn't know or barely talks to.

the two made it as soon as sakura's and lightning's bowl of ramen was set in front of them. lightning had a bright smile as he broke his chopsticks apart and grabbed some noodles.

as soon as the chopsticks hovered over the bowl, the bi-colored haired male didn't even get the chance to take the first bite as sasuke took it.

"choji hates when someone takes the last bite," lightning glared at the smirking uchiha, "i hate it when they take the first bite, uchiha."

"i say it's even." he shrugged.

"for what?" lightning tilted his head, his headband slightly tilting. sasuke adjusted it back over his head, making sure it was firm.

"you picked up sakura." sasuke said, "from far away it didn't look like a friendly gesture."

lightning thought back to it, "how else were we supposed to get away? sakura is my fav-"

"finish that sentence and carry her like that again lightning, i dare you." he narrowed his eyes.

lightning didn't finish his sentence, but he did glance at sakura. she was already looking at him, a subtle nod and an innocent grin on her face.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now