chp: 8 revision and ACTUAL ONE

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i listened to them as they stayed standing near me. having such a unique conversation, sasuke listened as well. i only wished i was close to people like that, to jump in and add into the conversation.

but i get in my own way.

"it's getting late, i have to go." kiba said, everyone murmured their agreements and parted ways.

except sasuke, naruto and i. the ones who didn't have anyone waiting at home for them.

i realized i had not put my hook blade up yet, so i lifted my hand back behind my body and put it back in its slot. after putting it in it's respectful place, i looked up to see them glaring at each other. i tilted my head at them.

"are you guys okay?"

they both snapped out of it. sasuke had blushed, maybe from embarrassment, maybe not. naruto smiled and nodded his head.

"i'm taking my leave." sasuke said.

he walked away from us, i huffed out a simple laugh. turning to naruto and cocking my head, he walked next to me. i thought back to when i caught sasuke in the academy and he blushed just like he did earlier, i looked down with my ears tinted red and kicked a few rocks.

naruto talked all the way to our apartments, i enjoyed his presence, it filled the silence. but i also like the silence.

"see ya' lightning!" naruto said, waving as i waved back and we went into our respectable home.

i put my hook blades by my bed. i looked out the window to see the sun had already set. so i went to the dusty window and pushed it open, dusting that hand on my pants. i climbed up to the roof of the building and laid flat against it.

my mind wandered to the other quiet boy, when the sun was slowly going down, he had a soft orange tint to him. it outlined his pale skin, it was breathtaking, if i'm being honest.

nope, can't think like that. i shook my head and looked at the night sky. it's like a dark blanket, it's comforting.

i started to count the stars i saw. to pass the time. once the sun started to rise, i shielded it until my eyes adjusted and i sat up. i thought about how many stars i counted.

5,457. maybe i counted the same stars, but there are a lot of stars in the sky.

i stretched and changed into a different ninja outfit. today is the day we find out if we become genin, and i plan to become a ninja.

i walked to the academy with naruto as i usually did. and we sat in our assigned spots, mine next to sasuke. when it was my turn, i took a deep breath, most had already gone and left. i walked out of the room with confidence, and walked into the separate room. i put my hands together and created three shadow clones. i was relieved i passed and did the amount i needed.

i saw a black headband and grabbed it, putting it around my head. i walked out to see naruto on the swing, head down. i walked to him and got in front of his field of vision ignoring everyone's words. naruto looked at me, devastation written on his face.

i patted his head, "you're going to be the hokage right? they don't know they're missing out on a great ninja." i gave a closed eye smile, "you just have a strength no one wants to see. now, let's go home."

naruto smiled a bit and we walked home. i have no clue why people are mean to him, and it's none of my business, but all i know is that i'm going to be a great friend for him.

but me? i care about getting stronger. i care about training and taking them down. this was just the way to do it, people who don't know my full past and who i am. i'm lying to them, but it's the only way.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now