chp: 30

322 12 15

lightning could not focus for the life of him. his ears tuning in and out each second. his black eye with violet swirls could not show ease for the life of him.

he was next to sasuke, eye darting between each of his teammates.

the concern from sakura was radiating off of her like a toxin. her concern and worries filled lightning, and he didn't even know what the hell he was supposed to be worried about. well besides sasuke and his reaction to... whatever is on his neck.

lightning felt a hand at the bottom of his back, he almost jumped. he felt like he was being skinned alive from the warmth of a palm and the nerves eating away at his insides.

and he knew what that felt like. he wasn't ignorant or oblivious to torture.

he took a deep breath, slowly looking at sasuke. his onyx eyes were soft and reassuring. his pale hand clenched a bit around the back of lightning's shirt.

"hey, it'll be alright." he whispered, leaning closer and connecting their foreheads. "trust me, alright?"

lightning closed his eye, taking a deep breath. he nodded against sasuke's forehead, the uchiha gave a small smile.

"i do, sasuke." lightning whispered, but he wasn't sure if he believed himself.

"good, let's pay attention now."

lightning and sasuke glanced up at the people standing in front and talking about their next part of the exam. lightning shifted a bit, getting closer to sasuke, the male felt lightning slowly get closer and closer.

lightning could feel so many eyes on them, but he wasn't shifting closer to hide himself. he was getting closer because there was a twisted feeling telling him to get as close to sasuke as possible. before he wouldn't have a chance to get close to him.

lightning looked at sasuke again, seeing him touch the shoulder that was injured. something was very wrong and they both knew it. but he just slowly rested his head in the uchiha's neck.

lightning finally picked something up from whoever was talking. he put his full -at least tried to- focus on hayate gekko, this man could not stop coughing for the life of him.

turns out, lightning missed every word of the hokage's little speech. not that he minded, he wasn't too fond of the male as of right now. living conditions for him and naruto sucked, and he wasn't doing anything about the verbal abuse the blond got.

that and he favored sasuke. lightning was the only one allowed to favor sasuke, and sasuke better favor him or they'll have problems.

"it's nice to meet you all." hayate started coughing. "there's something i would like all of you to do," he coughed, "to do before the third exam." he coughed more, then he stopped and looked at everyone with a serious expression. "uh, we have to have a preliminary exam. before we have to move on to the real one."

"uh what?" sakura asked.

lightning blinked, more work? he hated doing more than he needed to do, he needed to stop hanging around shikamaru... nah.

"preliminary?!" shikamaru shouted, "what the hell is that?" lightning looked at shikamaru, smiling at the frown on his face.

sasuke nudged him, lightning looked away from shikamaru and towards sasuke. sasuke was already looking at him, shifting his body to block shikamaru. lightning snickered, sasuke was not hiding his distaste.

lightning had missed why they needed the preliminary part of it, he was too busy nudging his head into sasuke's cheek. giving his full attention to the uchiha. a small smirk spread across his pale face, his hand going up and down on lightning's arm.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now