chp: 11

656 22 7

lightning made sure his face was hidden. he thought maybe it would work. lightning thought he would be invisible, that he would stay hidden away from the drunken man's eyes. he could faintly hear him slur his words together, calling naruto 'a shortie with an idiot face.' before taking a swig of his booze and going on and on about how he didn't believe they would be the one's taking him.

he could not join this mission, not after leaving with little information. he couldn't face them again.

lightning thought he got off the hook, he thought he would be able to sneak away from them, talk to the third hokage and have him send a message that he would not be joining, but atlas, lady luck was not on his side.

"lightning, is that you?"

lightning had the sudden urge to jump out the window. but he took a deep breath, he knew he couldn't hide from tazuna. how can you hide his noticeable hair, anyone would be able to tell who he was from miles away. lightning curse himself, how stupid of him to think tazuna wouldn't recognize him because his face wasn't showing.

lightning slowly turned his head to face the man who sounded more sober, he only blinked at him. not saying a word. he only spoke once to the man, and it was only because he didn't know where he was.

"i... i can't believe you are here." tazuna finally managed to get out, then, took a swig of his booze. he sounded too soft in front of these ninjas.

"uh, yeah, why wouldn't i be?"

lightning had the urge once more to jump out the window. to feel the breeze in his hair and then to feel the darkness. 'uh, yeah, why wouldn't i be?' the hell type of response is that? after months that's the first thing i say to the man who welcomed me for as long as he did? i'm so stupid, maybe the window is still an option. it's right there, and it's going to be unlocked when i break through-

lightning was cut off by tazuna, "we were all so worried about you." the room was silent. all staring at the bi-colored haired male. surprised that he knew of this man, but lightning wasn't paying attention to that. he was more focused on the old man's surprised expression that he spoke. tazuna watched as lightning rubbed his throat, noting that he's just beginning to talk again. it's as if he's learning again. "the small simple note you left us gave us nothing. it didn't say where you were heading, but we could not look for you."

lightning blinked, "i know." that was the point. i had to protect you guys from my family, i had to protect the small village that did not care that i randomly showed up in the middle of the night and stayed.

"i see you got a new look." tazuna pointed to his own eye, mirroring the way lightning kept his left eye covered.

lightning nodded, touching the headband, adjusting it to make sure it was still nicely covering his left eye.

then, lightning turned to the hokage, hands at his sides as he respectfully bowed. body parallel to the ground.

"i apologize lord hokage," he wished he had some type of beverage to wash the dry feeling away, "but i must stay and not go on this mission. for the sake of his safety and theirs. besides, i have research to do." he then fully stood up, putting his hands behind his back.

he was quiet, thinking carefully about the words that just left the quiet male's mouth. surely he wouldn't be dangerous, he looked innocent. but then again, he is alone, running from something. the third hokage seemed conflicted -baffled even at his new talkative side- but he finally cleared his throat, gaining the composure he lost. he finally formed a response to the male.

"what is this research you speak of?"

"i would like to keep that hidden. it is not required for you to know. but it will help us in the future." lightning hoped that the third hokage would not question any further, he just wanted to leave. he wanted to keep them safe.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now