chp: 39

150 6 4

it was the night before the final rounds.

lightning was looking at the night sky, the stars littering it with such serene like beauty. lightning had a smile on his face, he trained daily and nightly, he got to see sasuke, he made a new friend and despite the harsh training to his body... he felt relaxed and content.

he tried to speak to alia, wanting more answers, but she was quick to avoid it. she didn't look at lightning and only forced him to train his hook blades and other weapons she brought for a diverse taste.

lightning hummed out, he made sure his keys were still in his pockets... then he jumped off his apartment roof. he hadn't see naruto in awhile, he went to visit the male in the hospital, but the blond was gone.

later from gaara he found out naruto stopped him from killing rock lee. lightning merely blinked at that, not really having a say on it. lightning liked lee, but hell he's done worse things than what gaara has done.

well... he thinks he's done worse, he has a feeling but he can't seem to remember.

lightning began to hum as he went on his nightly walk. a simple lullaby she used to sing him and... his younger brother. lightning felt bad because he didn't know his brother's name, it hurt a lot for lightning but he pushed forward.

all lightning knew was that he missed them, the songs and lullaby's his mother used to make up -even if they weren't good- and blurry faces when he tries to remember them.

lightning walked the village, feeling eyes on him, knowing it was gaara. but he decided they both needed space and rest in their last night before the final competition.

once lightning was far enough, his mouth parted without his brain giving the go. he began to softly sing the lyrics to himself. he closed his eyes, trying to remember his mother and brother, but he couldn't. and that only made him frown as he sang with the memory of nothing.

'close your eyes,
let the shine of the light
cast your dreams.
dream of me,
open your eyes
and see me.
see the one you love,
i'll hold you tight.'

'relax in my hold.
let your guard down,
close your eyes and dream of me.
open your eyes and see me.'

'you don't have to worry.
let me be sorry.
i'm right by your side.
close your eyes,
dream of me.
open your eyes,
see me.'

'let me be your light,
i'll hold you so tight.
i'll be the one you...

lightning opened his eyes after he finished the lullaby. he sighed out into the night, turning and heading home. he was a bit excited for tomorrow, he couldn't wait for sasuke to see him fight.

sasuke promised, he hopes sasuke wouldn't break it.

lightning unlocked his apartment door, going in. he locked his door, hearing his neighbor -naruto- shuffle in his bed. they shared a wall and lightning snickered that naruto was awake. then he hoped naruto didn't notice him not sleeping, he's completely forgot about being neighbors and good friends.

lightning sat at his table, his journal out in front of him. he bite onto his pencil, needing more material to write. he was going to start writing more frequently, he's been lacking again.

dear journal,

the chunin exams are tomorrow. i'm a bit nervous as i don't know how my new opponent fights, but excited because sasuke is going to be watching me fight.

speaking of sasuke, i did get to see him. but i'm still so nervous and worried about him. he was badly injured at some point in phase two of the chunin exams when i wasn't around, has something to do with that mark on his neck... it got so bad he had to go to the hospital.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now