chp: 16

469 22 12


sasuke did his hand signs for his fireball jutsu, aiming as the masked person jumped from ice mirror to ice mirror. he tried to get his timing right, and he was growing used to the male's speed.

his fireball jutsu skimmed the male's clothing slightly. in the process, naruto was knocked down after the masked male went into another ice mirror. doing his best to avoid sasuke's attacks.

i got him that time... i'm starting to get his timing. sasuke smirked a bit, his breathing was unsteady and heavy.

he was hunched over slightly, his mind wandering to lightning. he knew for sure if the bi-colored male was here, he would've stayed out and attacked the ice mirrors instead of being a complete idiot and coming in like naruto.

sasuke's heart fluttered just thinking about going back to the leaf village. i've only known him for a bit, there's no way i like him... right? but sasuke promised he would get back to lightning, he told the male he would be careful. and here he was, bleeding and getting tired.

i will do whatever it takes to get out of here alive and back to you, lightning.

sasuke did his hand signs again watching as the masked person in the mirrors disappeared.

"naruto!" sasuke said, "run for it! get out of here and attack from the outside, hurry."

"you got it!" naruto yelled, immediately running to try and escape. the blond was pushed back, there was no frown on his lips, "you think you can keep me here forever?!" he asked.

the masked person finally left one of his mirrors to stop naruto, sasuke studied their movements.

"that's it!" he said. "fire style: fireball jutsu!" his hand went in front of his mouth as he released fire.

the fireball was so close to hitting the male, but he dodged it, throwing a senbon at sasuke. the sharp senbon hit sasuke's shoulder, his teeth clenched at the pain.

sometimes i wish i couldn't feel pain. like lightning.

sasuke needed naruto to do it again, he needed to have the blond continue to run and get the male out of the mirror. sasuke noticed he was slowing down.

sasuke didn't anticipate for the ice person to throw many senbon's at them, he felt the sharp pain spread across his body.

they heard a girly scream, the blond and the black haired male knew automatically it was sakura. needing to get out as soon as possible. naruto slowly got up.

"i'll get us out. i'll fake him out." he said, putting his hands together as blue chakra began to surround him.

sasuke was surprised to see this, eyes a bit wide as he muttered out naruto's name.

no wonder lightning likes talking to you and about you.

sasuke watched them, slowly getting up as well. he kept his eyes on their movements.

"naruto, behind you!" he said.

naruto skidded, turning around in time to see the sharp weapons coming at him. he wasn't able to dodge it as they pierced through his skin, groaning when he hit the ground.

"naruto!" sasuke shouted, "lightning's going to kill you if you die!"

"your chance of escaping my house of mirrors, is zero." haku's smooth voice said. "that is absolute."

sasuke ignored their negative comment. quickly going to naruto's side and squatting down.

"naruto, are you able to get up?" he asked.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now