chp: 34

226 8 5


the village was silent, lightning sat atop the apartment roof. one hand behind his head as the other cupped his chin in thought.

"you said you could make me stronger," lightning looked at his father and sister, "so do it."

alia and atmatio smirked, his sister walking behind him and looking him up and down. Her hand ruffled his hair as he swatted it and glared.

"don't think we're buddies." lightning mumbled, "i only care to get stronger."

atmatio laughed, leaning down and getting very close to lightning. the boy pulled his head back a bit, his eye behind his headband was at ease. now that was confusing him, shouldn't it be haywire? it does that when he's in danger.

am i not in danger? he thought to himself.

"yes, of course it's just to get strong." his father said, "we will begin tomorrow. rest now for the night."

the two family members disappeared into the night. lightning didn't get to ask how alia knew his name, it will have to wait.

lightning sighed, he got up and jumped off the roof. he was going to do his nightly walk, he hoped it would relax him. but yet it only fueled his questions and worries.

his gut was saying sasuke was going to leave, that him getting stronger wouldn't help. lightning pushed that away, he ignored the doubtful and negative thoughts. he wanted to believe it wasn't true, so he would force himself to believe it.

he looked up at the night sky, the stars were shining bright. he kept his eyes on the two brightest, a gentle smile on his face. he looked back ahead, looking around before he stopped walking.

this was figure sitting on a statue type thing, the shadow of it made it seem like the person was around lightning's age.

he hummed, climbing on top of the building he was near, he was still a bit away from the figure. he crept closer, making no noise and making sure he wasn't sensed. he blinked.


lightning's light smile grew, maybe now he can talk to gaara more. he inched closer, he was now next to the building of gaara. he stopped when someone began walking towards gaara, lightning was close enough to hear them.

"you are fighting the one person i want to fight." the voice said to gaara, "once i kill you right here, right now i'll go after my partner and kill him. then i'll have no choice but to battle sasuke." he chuckled.

hey... isn't that my partner? wait- kill me? after i embarrassed your weak ass before our exam.

"you're making a mistake, i'll kill you." gaara said smoothly, his voice rattling in lightning's mind.

so cool. he flushed a bit, feeling eager to talk to gaara.

the sound ninja only smirked, taunting gaara in his head. he walked closer, gaara turned into some type of giant raccoon and killed lightning's opponent.

blood splattered around gaara, lightning couldn't help but think about how cool that was. but it registered in lightning's mind that he was now opponent-less.

lighting finally jumped closer, the moon shining above the bi-colored haired male.

"no fair, that was my partner to kill." he frowned.

gaara hadn't sensed lighting, so without looking he lifted his hand and shot a rapid line of sand towards him. lighting squatted and flipped over it, landing next to gaara. his feet hit landed on sand so he slipped and fell back next to gaara.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now