chp: 35

229 8 10

when the sun slowly began to peek up, lightning grimaced. it blinded his only eye, gaara looked at him and almost snickered at the grimace.

lightning has never once been outside when the sun goes up, he's usually at his staying place doing something.

which reminds him, he hasn't written in his journal in awhile, he'll have to get back into that habit. he had so much to tell now.

"thank you for last night." lightning mumbled, giving a small smile.

gaara nodded, "thank you, as well." he said.

the two none-sleeping males parted ways when temari and kankuro showed up. the two waved to lightning, the bi-colored haired male saluted before he took his leave.

he made it to his apartment, he grabbed his journal and stuck it in his black coat. he then whipped up some white rice, pork and roasted tomatoes.

he ate his food quietly, he wasn't a fan of tomatoes all that much, but he wanted to at least pretend he had sasuke close to him.

lightning then left his apartment, he was already a bit late in training with his relatives, might as well make one more stop.

he wanted to find his team, more specifically sakura. he really missed her.

he found sakura in ino's flower shop, he perked up and went into the store. luckily he planned to get a flower for sasuke.

he walked in, seeing ino glance at him. she gave a short smile, but went to greet other customers. she had been weary about lightning since his battle a few days ago, but she's slowly letting that go.

she was surprised by his strength, but she also barely knew him. she just needed to let her guard down.

"hey sakura." lightning blandly said, not wanting to put any more stress on her.

sakura jumped, dropping the flowers she was holding. she put a hand over her heart, taking a deep breath before turning to lightning, slightly glaring from the scare.

"you idiot! don't sneak up on me, if you were naruto i would've punched you!"she said.

lightning rolled his eyes, sakura frowned at him being slightly hostile. lightning wanted to talk to her like usual, but he still felt hurt.

he squatted and looked at the flower's she was in front, he found some blue violet flowers. those flowers represent faith, affection, intuition and love.

"perfect." he mumbled, smiling while thinking about sasuke.

sakura picked up her flowers that she dropped, both went to go pay for them. they stood in a line, a few people in front of them. sakura bit her bottom lip nervously, she felt awkward.

"i'm sorry!" she blurted, lightning jumped at the sudden outburst. "the- the other night, i should've let you speak. i shouldn't have freaked out, i'm sorry for everything."

lightning looked at her, his eye was wide. once it registered in his mind that sakura was apologizing, he didn't know how to feel. he hasn't gotten many apologies in his life.

"lightning?" she asked, seeing him slightly unresponsive.

lightning hugged her, she gasped but hugged him back. he nuzzled into her shoulder, he didn't know where naruto disappeared to, so he really needed a friend.

"i'm sorry." sakura said again, ruffling his hair.

"i forgive you." he said.

"so soon? i don't need to do anything?" she chuckled.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now