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"well, well, well. it's been a long time since we've seen you, lightning. father and i have missed you. we've been searching everywhere for you."

did she -they- forget my real name? is that why i can't remember mine? i've had the name 'lightning' imprinted on my mind since them and they can't remember the damn name i was born with.

i didn't respond, i kept my back facing away. i tried to keep eating my noodles, but the stares from my classmates and the man and women who made my ramen caused me to keep dropping them. my chopsticks would only hang in the air. so, i just lifted the bowl and started to drink the broth, chopsticks in my right hand.

my heart was beating millions of miles per second. what is she doing here? what am i going to do? i haven't spoken to them since i left, almost two years ago. what is one supposed to say?

"still not speaking... such a shame brother, your voice could show just how much you've grown over the years." she taunted.

that snapped me out of my thoughts. the word brother just didn't sit right with me. she had never treated me as family, how could i say we were? how closely had they been watching me for them to know i no longer speak, how long?

"brother?!" they said surprised, causing me to cringe.

"i didn't know you had siblings." naruto said.

i used to.

i still said nothing. their shock and loudness made me feel uneasy. i heard her feet stepping on the ground, taking light steps towards me. i continued to finish the last bit of my broth. feeling her hand finally make contact with my shoulder, she gripped onto it. in a quick moment i put my bowl down and pinned her with one hand.

without saying anything, i quickly did the transformation jutsu, the chopsticks turned into two kunai's, i put them through on both sides of her sleeves on both arms. that way she couldn't get out. the slam of the kunai had made sure she was stuck.

i don't know where the sudden urge to do that came from. but i liked it. i don't regret it. they deserve it.

when did i learn to do that?

i grabbed a napkin, swiftly cleaning the broth off my chin. i cleared my throat, rubbing my fingers gently across it, easing the soreness that would pop up. my hands on the bar as i leaned down in her field of vision. my eye blank. finally, opening my mouth to speak for the first time in over a year.

"touch me again," i took a deep breath, feeling the air hit the back of my dry throat. i wanted to cough but held it in, "and i swear on the nine tail fox i will kill you." i spat.

my classmate's eyes widened and alia's body shook. she took my threat to consideration. i put some money on the bar and stood up fully.

"i'm not done with you!" she yelled after me, "father and i will get what we want. you'll need us! we are family, you don't turn your back on family."

i froze at the word family. my mind going to my mother and brother. i clenched my first, shoulders began to shake. i found a new confidence. i turned my head a little, giving a side glare. alia's eyes glanced at the wooden bar she was stuck on, avoiding my gaze.

she shivered as my eye pierced through her.

"you took the people i called family away from me. we are not family, nor will we ever be. you may not be done with me, but so help me, i am done with you."

with that, i pushed back the small curtains and walked away.

i left the area. my heart beating rapidly, the adrenaline wearing off. i had no clue i was cable of doing that, not one bit.

i had thought i was too weak, too scared, but i proved myself. those hard days of training paid off. i know i can hold my own, but i'm not too sure if i'm strong enough to win against them yet.

i looked down at my hands, seeing the stained hands i see every day. i closed them and looked up, maybe i just couldn't face them.

i heard footsteps in the background, i slowly came to a stop. i turned around briefly to see my classmates. would the consider me a friend still? hopefully. should i consider them a friend? probably.

"so, lightning is it?" kiba asked.

i only nodded my head.

"that's an odd n-name..." hinata had said, quickly looking away as i looked at her.

seeing her look at naruto.

"that's a nickname. surprise you haven't heard it yet, it's known across the lands and is worthy of being feared. courtesy of my family."

"what's your last name?" naruto asked.

i tapped my chin. i had a thoughtful look on my face, trying to think of my last name. i know it's somewhere. it started with an a-

"aylyn." i finally said, slowly remembering it.

"i read about your clan and jutsu. i even went as far into on with who you are."

sakura took a step back, going closer to sasuke. he rolled his eyes. i felt irritated.

useless bitch. (before any sakura haters/stans say shit. she is one of my favs and i love her, just at the moment she's pretty useless).

"like i asked to be born into the curse we call a clan. like i wanted to come out like this."

"like what?" shikamaru asked.

i lifted my right hand, going behind my back as i gripped onto the left hook blade. pulling it out, i put it over my arm, quickly slicing a deep wound with the very tip of the blade.

i noticed an act on impulse. sasuke had took a very noticeable step towards me before stopping.

"what the hell are you doing?" sasuke asked.

i put my finger up, staring at the blood that dropped down. ignoring their widened, concerned gazes. in a short couple of seconds, my wound began to fizz over with smoke and heal. the blood disappeared, not a trace of red was there.

"like a monster." i bluntly put it, lifting my arm up as i curled my fingers in a fist, "my father and sister had spent their time making my life hell. experimenting on me when they found i received my mother's kekkei genkai. hence why my left eye is covered. he wanted to make it stronger, and alia joined because she could not do anything. she doesn't have chakra either, a rare person in our clan. their experiments were so frequent that eventually i became immune to pain. i can't feel it. i can heal no matter what, it's as if i was never touched. even in life or death situations, only thing that can kill me is poison and old age."

they stared at me, mouths open. processing on what i just said, i only shrugged. it wasn't important.

"oh, and my family was basically royalty in my clan." i said it so nonchalantly.

"that's horrible." ino said.

"but being able to heal? that's so cool! and not to mention we don't know your kekkei genkai or your jutsu and fighting style!" naruto grinned coming closer to me, "you're so cool, believe it!"

they nodded their heads to agree. it came as a surprise to me that they didn't run away or treat me as monster. they saw past it and accepted me. that's never happened before. i never told tazuna, that's probably why i stayed so long.

they didn't even ask about how alia is able to survive without chakra. it's likely they completely looked over it.

"cool?" i muttered to myself.

i briefly smiled at them.

cool? what a fascinating word. i have never been described as cool, and it warmed my heart.

lightning {sasuke x uke male OC}Where stories live. Discover now