15. Missing You

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"Hey baby, I'll be out of town for a job. I may not be able to call again, but I'll go to you as soon as it's done, I promise."

"Why can't you at least call? Will there be no signal where you are?"

"It's not gonna be safe for you if you talk to me while I'm on the job. Just trust me please, baby. I'll keep in touch soon."

"What, are you going on a dangerous job? Tae, don't go, pls?"

"Jin, baby, it's work. I have to go. Don't worry too much, hmm? I won't be long, just a few days, I promise. Don't cheat on me while I'm away, okay?!"

"But-- Tae.."

"Yes, baby. I know, I miss you too. See you soon. Bye."

Our last conversation over the phone keeps going on and on in my mind. I can't remember clearly when it was, but I think it's been 5 days, 7 hours, 38 minutes and 18 seconds since he called. Oh, make that 20 seconds now!

I let out a deep sigh as I stare at the clock of my phone. I put it down and just stared outside the window of my office. The overlooking view of the city reminds me of the time Tae and I did the zipline.

It's like looking over and above everything. Like that feeling of being free and alive, no one's looking down on you 'coz you are so up high. It's what I felt when I was with him.

Am I missing him now? I guess I do. I also worry how dangerous his jobs can get. And I can't help but think of other possibilities too why he suddenly cut his contact with me.

What if he changed his mind about me? What if he went and looked for other hot ass to fuck?! What if he got tired of me teasing and acting like a virgin?!

Wait, I am still a virgin though - in the ass! I wonder if he does bottom? No way, being that bad ass that he is, he's definitely top. But I've always been top-- Anyways, it doesn't matter now!! Coz he's not calling me!! Arrgghh!!

I shook my head to shrug off the thoughts! I was almost excited that we'll go on a triple date with my best friends. Hobi said Yoongi already agreed, but said he's a bit busy with work this week. Then Jimin said Jungkook rejected the idea at first, but when he threatened him that he will not give him a blow job for a month, Jungkook quickly said yes.

As for me - here I am, feeling so pathetic, waiting for a damn call! I told my friends I couldn't reach Tae at the moment, and they are just being the good friends they are, comforting me with words that I hope are true.

My thoughts are suddenly disturbed by a knock at the door.

"Mr. Kim, you have a meeting in an hour. Just checking that you are ready." Soobin, my EA, said.

"Ah, yes. Yes, I am, Soobin. Thank you. The presentation you did was great. Thanks for helping me with that." He then flashed a smile at me. His eyes look so cute when he smiles. Such a pretty boy.

"One more thing, Sir. It's-- uhm, it's my birthday tomorrow. I was hoping to invite you over to my house. Some of my friends will be there too. My mum will cook a great meal for us. And she asked me if I could invite my boss too.

--But that's only if you are free. I know it's such a short notice, and it may not be proper as I am your employee. But my parents just wanted to express their gratitude towards you."

"Ohh, I'm sorry I didn't know it's your birthday. I should know that! Wait, I'll put it on my calendar now so I won't miss it next year..

Sure, I can come to your celebration. If that's not too much for you. You might not feel comfortable with me being there. Are you sure it's fine?"

Soobin gently clapped his hands and said, "Yesss! Of course it is fine, Sir. Thank you for saying yes. It means a lot to me."

"Great. Then we'll leave together early tomorrow after my last meeting."

He smiled and bowed at me before he heads out. Good thing I got a distraction! At least I won't be sulking alone at my penthouse this weekend.



"Hey kid, ready for the drop tomorrow?!" One of the older goons asked me.

"I'm not a fucking kid! And I was born ready so you don't need to fucking ask me!" I'm not in a good mood. I'm missing my baby, and my brother too. Can we just get this shit over with!!

The old guy laughed, "These youngsters are so impatient! I wonder why our boss likes you so much. As if we can't do what you can. We are more experienced than kids like you!"

I just smirked at them, I don't want to waste my saliva on talking nonsense with them. After just the first day, I have already managed to gain the trust of their boss, making him believe that I am loyal to this gang.

At the same time, I have also memorized the blueprint of the building, where the diamond is located and how the fuck me and Yoongi can take it smoothly.

We are just waiting for the trade tomorrow, so they can have enough distraction. And then we can get out of here unnoticed.

The old guy lit his cigar and turned to the other guy in the room. "Hey Chad, you heard the next project? Illegal mining site. Boss is convinced that the land at the outskirts of the city is full of rare stones!"

Chad smirked slightly, "The owner of that land won't sell to boss. KSJ Property Holdings is a big name, we can't mess with them!"

KSJ?! Isn't that my baby's company?! Then the old hag laughed loud, "Boss wants that CEO too! Beautiful and sexy. Boss is looking at taking him soon, then force him to sell the land and who knows what else boss would make him do--"

"Fuckkk!!" I flipped the table and those two stood up in shock.

"What the hell is wrong with you??" Chad shouted at me.

"That CEO is my boyfriend, okay?! Keep him out of your dirty plans!!" I glared at them. But they just laughed at me.

"Sure! Sure!! Keep dreaming kid!! Ahahaha!!" Both of them shook their heads as they walk out of the room, still laughing out loud.

I clenched my jaw as I stare at them. I swear, after I get that diamond, I'mma blow the heads of those two, along with their Chinese boss!!

No one should ever dare touch my baby!!!


A/n: Someone's protective of his baby 😕

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