17. Mission Complete

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Might contain triggering content ahead! ⛔


Taehyung put on the silencers in his guns, then checked the time. He inhaled deeply before he jumped out of the vent into the empty room.

As soon as he got out of the door, he followed the gaze of three men guarding the main door, where their big boss is.

He licked his lips and clenched his jaw before he stretched out his arms and skillfully shot each of them either on the head or the neck.

"Three down, ten more to go." He muttered to himself.

Despite the blood gushing and flowing down the floor, not a bit of noise came out, so he hid his guns and peacefully went inside the door.

Calmly, he got in and saw the boss talking on the phone, Chad and the old hag are seated at the corner, smoking pot.

He listened for a while to the boss while thinking how he'll attack easily.

"I have a deal at midnight, but I'll wait for your updates. Have you been following him? What, he's still outside?! Then wait for him to get to his penthouse, and do the snatch there as he's living alone, it should be easy. Make sure he's not hurt. I want him untouched when I lay my hand on his ass--"

Tak! Tak! Tak!

Three quiet gun shots on the head silenced the boss which made Chad and the old man stand up and stare in shock at Taehyung, now gritting his teeth in anger and his hand gripping tight on his gun.

"Wwhattt thaaa fffu--" Taehyung turned to the old man shouting and shoot his forehead too. He was to point at Chad, but the latter was quick to shoot back at him too.

Taehyung ducks down and hid behind the table to dodge from the bullet. But it barely hit him, causing a graze on his shoulder and a long cut to bleed.

"Ahh fuckkk!" Taehyung whispered to himself.

Meanwhile, outside, Yoongi quickly handed the diamond to Jungkook. "Shittt!! Gun shots! He's busted. Here Kook, go! Take this to Hitman Bang! I'm coming back for Tae!"

"What the hell, hyung! Of course, I'm coming too!!" Jungkook hissed at Yoongi.

"Chen, Baek.. get to the car at the corner of the block and drive to the HQ to take this to Hitman Bang. Don't say a word about Tae!" Jungkook instructed to their two men sitting at the back.

All of them quickly got out of the getaway car. Jungkook and Yoongi ran to the back of the building with guns in their hands.

"Tae, where the fuck are you? We're coming in!" Yoongi said thru their airpods.

"I told you to go, I'm fine." Tae whispered, while gun shots from Chad and another two goons who just came are still firing his way.

"That doesn't sound like you are fine! We are going in!! Just tell us where the fuck you are!!" Jungkook said annoyingly.

"Second floor. Third room from the left of the fire exit." Taehyung whispered. Then he crawled his way to transfer to the back of a cabinet nearby.

From the small mirror of the cabinet, Taehyung can see the heads of the two men and Chad walking around him. He quickly stood up and shot at the two men, using both his guns at the same time.

"Fuckkk!!" Chad shouted seeing the two men down. "Hey little kid!! You are fucking dead when I get to you!!!!"

Bang. Bang. Bang!!

Yoongi, biting his lips, walked into the door with his gun on his hand, shooting on Chad continuously until the man slumped down the floor.

Jungkook shouted behind Yoongi, "Tae!! Come out!"

Taehyung stood up as soon as he heard his friend's shout. "There's five more. I can't leave yet."

"They're wiped out on our way here. Easy as pie!" Yoongi smirked.

"Fuck, you're shot!" Jungkook said.

"Nah, it's just a graze, barely hit me... Thanks, you guys! You didn't have to go back for me."

"Fuck that, when did we ever leave each other's backs??" Yoongi said.

"Yeah, and we didn't want to raise Joon when you die. He'll empty my fridge in a snap!" Jungkook said.

Taehyung let out a small smile, "Let's get out of here. I have to get to Jin. Someone's after him."


Inside the car, the three are discussing Jin's whereabouts.

"Our contact inside said his car passed thru several CCTV cams and then seen parked in this address." Jungkook handed his phone to Taehyung.

"Whose house is this?!" Yoongi asked.

"I have no idea, maybe his parents?!" Taehyung said.

Jungkook drove to the given address as fast as he can, Taehyung is silent the whole time, trying to bear the pain of his wound.

After a couple more minutes, "We're here. Jin is still here, Tae. That's his car, right?"

Taehyung nodded, then he looked at the nearby cars parked along the street. He spotted an old black mustang with a guy smoking in the driver's seat.

"Guys, one o'clock. That guy, his tattoo on his arm, definitely that mark of those Chinese gangsters. I'll get this over with."

Taehyung went out of their car, followed by Yoongi. They walked around to the back of the mustang. Then Taehyung looked around to check if the coast is clear, he did not hesitate to pull out his gun with the silencer and clicked twice towards the driver's seat.

"Must you stain the driver's seat? How can I fucking sit there?" Yoongi whined. Then he opened the door and kicked the dead body to the passenger's seat. He got in and drove away to get rid of the garbage.

Taehyung hid his gun already. He let out a deep sigh and closed his eyes for a while, thankful that it's all over. His attention was caught by two laughing men, walking out of their target house. He ducked down to hide behind a parked car, but his sight did not leave the two men.

"Thank you so much, Sir! I think this is the beeessttt birthday I've evahhh had!" said the tipsy Soobin.

Jin laughed at the adorable boy, "You're welcome. And I had a great time too. Rest well, you are already so drunk!"

Soobin shook his head cutely, "Nah-ah! I'm still fine Sirrrr! Please drive home safely. Thank you again, and good night, Sir Jinnnn!"

Jin was caught off-guard as Soobin suddenly kissed him in the cheek and clinged to him to hug him tight.

Taehyung's eyebrows creased as he clenched his fist while he watched the young boy clinging to Jin's neck.

"I aammm just sooo happy tonight. Thank youuu!" Soobin shouted, still hugging Jin. Then he pulled back and smiled adorably at the older.

Jin just shook his head and laughed a bit, "Okay, get inside now before I leave. You are so drunk. Good night, Soobin."

He already pushed the younger towards the door, then watched him get inside the house.

Jin just smiled to himself and took his phone out, checking for possible calls or messages again. He then sighed, got into his car and carefully drove away, clueless that the person he's waiting to call is watching him from afar.

Taehyung got inside Jungkook's car, obviously annoyed at what he saw.

"You said no one's allowed to touch your baby?!" Jungkook smirked, still teasing him despite his bitter mood.

"Our mission is complete here. I have killed enough men today. I'll deal with that geek kid some other day." Then he rest his head on the car seat as Jungkook drove away.


A/n: Goodnight loveys! Author-nim is too sleepy now for a triple update. Love y'all! 💜

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