56. Deserted

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A/n: Happy 60K reads to MBDIAG!! And it is #1 on #VJIN today! Thank you mah loveys!


"You can still walk?! Wow, you made out with someone else and you are still alive??" Hobi said as he walks into Jin's office, with Jimin behind him.

"Hey guys! Have a seat." Jin said, turning his attention to his friends who came to give him an early morning visit. "You think Tae could kill me, please! That's zero probability!" Jin rolled his eyes, then he pressed on his intercom to connect with Soobin.

"Hey, Soobin? Can you please ask Chitti to bring us tea and pastries please? But I'll have strawberry milk. Thank you!"

"Sir Jin, Chitti is on a study leave since last week."

"Ah okay, ask Peeku then.."

"Peeku is on a two-month study leave too, Sir."

"What?! Who the hell approved their leaves, I don't know about those! Nevermind, get Fatima to do it then."

"Okay, Sir."

Jin sighed and stood up, muttering to himself, "Those brats keep on going on leaves! Will I do all the work around here?! Ugh!"

"So exagge, Jin! Well, that's why I told you not to hire very young admins! They're not so serious with work! With my wait staff, I preferred the experienced ones." Jimin said.

"That's coz you hit on your waiters, Chim, so you want the experienced ones!" Hobi said.

"Hey, not anymore! You want Kook to go Incredible Hulk?! Have you seen those muscles when he gets angry? He'll strangle me with those toned thick ass thighs!"

"And you'll still enjoy it!" Jin giggled.

Jimin rolled his eyes, "Maybe Jin is the problem, look at him, he's so moody! Annoyed one minute, now he's giggling! I wouldn't last long too if I'm an admin assistant here."

"Yeah your mood seems to be bitter so early in the morning." Hobi agreed.

As Jin started to walk towards them, Jimin and Hobi laughed out loud, seeing him struggling with his every step.

"What's so funny?!" Jin scoffed at them, taking a seat on the sofa.

"Here we thought you're still okay, but look at you heavily limped after last night! That's why your mood is not so good." Hobi said while continuing to laugh.

Jimin giggled in agreement, "Well, you still have a strong endurance, Jin. Kookie said that Tae can go so hard that you might end up sore in bed!"

"I am preggy, okay? Tae won't leave me like that! And it wasn't entirely my fault. What I did was their instructions too! I just did as planned."

They all stopped with the knock on the door and a staff coming in with a tray, "Good morning Sir's." After she placed the tray of drinks and pastries on the table, she quickly went out to get something, and came back with a big bouquet of flowers in her hands.

Jin's eyes widen in surprise and a big smile was formed in her lips.

"Flowers delivered for you, Sir Jin." She placed it on the sofa next to where Jin is sitting.

"Okay, thank you, Fatima!" The admin staff bowed slightly, then made her way out of the room.

"Hmm, someone's mood has brightened up!" Hobi teased.

"Well, I've been really stressing out since this morning coz Tae suddenly said they're all going out of the country. Like he could at least warned me about that part of their plan, right?! Now, I know he won't just leave without giving me something." Jin smiled, excited to open the small card attached at the flowers.

"Yeah, I totally got you. I was really upset with Kookie too. When he came home last night, I was so tired so I slept so early. Then he woke me up at dawn saying they have a flight to the US in two hours and he has to leave already!! Hello?? We haven't even had sex last night, then he'll leave just like that! What if something happens to him in their mission-- he could've at least made love to me for the last time!" Jimin said, almost teary-eyed.

Hobi slapped his thigh at what he said, "How could you say that?! Instead of hoping for their safety!! I wouldn't want to be single again so soon, pls!"

"Guys, will you stop!" Jin rolled his eyes, then he read the message written on the card, "Thanks for last night, Jinnie. Sorry to sleep on you. I'll make it up to you soon. See you at lunch today! Love, Ken." Jin frowned and threw the card, along with the flowers across the room.

"I knew Tae isn't the type who would send flowers." Jimin said, trying to suppress his laugh, as he can see that Jin is getting worked up again.

"Arghh! This is ridiculous! How can he leave so soon for the US!? And worse, all of them left! Yoongi, Jungkook, even Baek and Chen! Now, what will I do with Ken?? I feel so alone!" Jin whined.

"Just do your best at avoiding him, we won't leave your side. It was Yoongi's number one instruction before he left." Hobi said, giving Jin a soft embrace.

"Okay.. thanks guys for being here."


"Tae, could you please focus here?! You are so damn distracted again!" Yoongi said, pointing at the laptop where they're discussing the final plan they're plotting for the Lee's.

They are currently on a private plane, with their bosses and the rest of the gang, going to the US to do their final move on the Lee's. They left only a few of their force in Korea, just so they can have someone tap them into their network anytime while they're in the states.

Since they already have now the sole key to their secret warehouses which Jin was able to obtain, their boss Hitman Bang decided that they make their big strike in the US rather than in Korea, as the Lee's have bigger connections with the South Korean police force. They wouldn't know who to trust if they involve the authorities, therefore Bang thought it's better to take down their biggest business branch, and that's in the US.

"Yoongi, you don't understand, Jin was cursing at me the entire time - from when I told him that we're leaving until I close the door of his penthouse when I left.." Taehyung sighed deeply.

"He's been cursing at you coz you left him brutally fucked, then you suddenly broke the news to him that we need to go!" Yoongi hissed at him.

"Chim was also cursing at me the whole time coz I didn't fuck him before I left. Damn!! What's the right thing to do then? I'm so confused with those best friends!" Jungkook said.

"Listen, seriously bro's.. one of us should've remained in Korea. I don't trust that Ken around our boyfriends." Taehyung said.

"Don't worry too much. Some of our men are there when worse comes to worst. Namjoon is there too. Besides, we won't take too long." Yoongi tapped Taehyung's back to give him a boost.

"Yeah, hyung, we got this!" Jungkook nodded.

Taehyung then sighed and nodded, he said "Okay. Let's continue discussing the battle plan. So we can take down the Lee's soon. I need my happily ever after with my baby.."


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