18. Weak

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Seokjin ✴

"The amenities, the exterior areas and the shared lobby – I am not happy with the designs. Redo them! You are all wasting my time looking at these basic, common layouts! I have seen them before! Where is the 'wow factor' in these??" I told my design team presenting in front of me.

"Redo these in 3 days. Soobin, reschedule this meeting, I am wasting my time sitting here!"

"Yes, Sir." Soobin said, then he gathered my things and followed me out of the boardroom quickly.

As I get into my office, I slouched my back into my chair and sighed. Soobin arranged my things on my table then asked, "Are you okay, Sir?"

"Yeah. I just have a headache and I am growing frustrated on these projects. Nothing is good enough to present to the board soon. Then I still have a lot on my mind right now, that I am getting insane for thinking too much!"

"I'll get you water and medicine for your headache, Sir." Soobin walked out, then I closed my eyes to rest. When he came back, he gave me the water and paracetamol to take.

"Thanks. You did well today, don't worry."

My assistant smiled lightly at me, then he said softly, "Sir, may I speak of something personal?"

"Sure, Soobin. What's that?"

"Uhm- that night of my birthday– I'm sorry if what I did was out of line. I was just really happy that night." He bit his lips and bowed his head before me.

"Ahh, that? Don't worry about that. We were having fun that night, I understand. I've also done some silly things when I was your age, even more than that. So don't worry. I won't take it against your work here."

Soobin smiled at me, "Thank you, Sir. I am grateful that you are so understanding, and that you consider our relationship outside different from here at work."

I thought for a while at what he meant, "Uhm, yeah, of course. Outside of work, you can always treat me as your hyung! Or your close friend, I don't mind. You're a good kid, so I'd love to have that kind of relationship with you."

"Ohh. I see. Okay, Sir. Thank you. I'll let you have your rest now. You don't have anything else scheduled for the rest of the day." His smile fell a bit, then he bowed at me and headed out.

Soobin is such an adorable and sweet boy, but he is too young. And he's my assistant, I don't want anything personal mixed with my career. It is obvious that he's trying to get there, but as the older one and his boss, I should know how to handle it properly.

Sigh. I stare at my phone, then I texted Hobi,

Hobiiii... Can you call me quickly?

My phone rang immediately and I picked it up. "Hello."

Yes, Jinnie. What's the problem?

"That's the problem - there is no problem with my phone!! It's working just fine! But why don't I get any call or messages from him?? Hobiiiii!!!" I whined loudly, I don't care anymore what my friends think of me. I am getting so frustrated the past days already, I don't know how I can move on from this.

Jin, okay- you are now at a point where it is time to face the truth! You'll have to find out now whether  he's really working and telling the truth, or you've actually been dumped.

"Oh fuck-- okay, how do I do that?"

I think Hobi is thinking for a while as there's silence on the line.

Oh okay, I remember you sent us a screenshot of his profile from the Date.me app when you went on your last date, right? He has an address in there. Check if he's really not there and he's out-of-town working.

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