52. Special Package

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"Is he the one, Sir?" Detective Han handed his tablet to Ken.

"Yeah, this is that bastard alright. I can't fucking believe that he would point a gun on me! Fuck that fucking asshole! What did Jin see in him?!..
Were you able to dig up dirty facts about him??" Ken said annoyingly.

"Honestly Sir, his name didn't ring any bell. He didn't have any educational records in Seoul, even job hirings. He has a legit firearms license. Also, when we did the questioning earlier, I can't find any loophole at his statements. It'll be hard to crack this one, Sir."

"That means he's doing something under the dark, and he definitely knows what he's doing. What could he want with KSJ Properties then?! He couldn't be just after my Jinnie. He's a smart ass then - he targeted the CEO directly. Tsk! Jin is still so naive." Ken said as he shook his head. He took a cigar and put it in between his lips so he could light it.

"We must do another approach if you want to get rid of Kim Taehyung, so you can make your way thru to Kim Seokjin. In the meantime, Sir, an update as to where our system is.." Han said, handing him a small chip.

"And what the fuck is this now?! That wiretap you set-up isn't working- your technology sucks, you know that?!" Ken said, his forehead creased.

"I'm not sure how that happened, Sir. But that bug was perfectly working.
Anyways, Sir, I am just giving you a copy - that contains our top secret list of the companies we are after, including KSJ. Your father is the one who created these all. Our agents are listed in there as well as the antique pieces we'll smuggle into the country the following weeks."

"Top secret, huh? So I shouldn't lose this? I am bad at this, it might not be safe with me."

"We'll just stick the chip into your tablet, Sir. No one could possibly hack our system, therefore, it's safe. Don't worry, Sir."

"Okay then. Come up with a plan to get that fucker Taehyung and his two dumbhead friends out of our way soon! So then Jin and I can be together again. Do whatever it takes. Blow up their heads if possible, I don't care. Just do it." Ken commanded.

"Consider it done, Sir." Han smirked as he bowed before Ken.


Taehyung can't stop smiling while staring at a copy of the sonogram Jin just had when they visited the OB-gyne earlier. He is too engrossed at examining the details of the image, even if he doesn't understand a thing on how it looks like, what is it or why it is shaped like that.

"Let me see my nephew, hyung!" Namjoon said as he hugs Taehyung from behind and both of them leaning towards the kitchen counter.

Taehyung showed Namjoon the photo in his hands, smiling from ear to ear, "Here.. see he looks like me already, right?"

Jin's eyes rolled instantly at what he heard which made Soobin laugh softly as he helps Jin clean up the dishes after they had dinner. The whole time they were eating, Taehyung was already mentioning how the baby will surely look like him as according to him, he has stronger genes and dominant features.

"Oh wow, hyung. Yes, I can definitely feel he's going to take a lot after you..
Hey there- Uncle Joonie is excited to see you baby voo..." Taehyung chuckled and Namjoon laughed out loud too.

Soobin smiled as he watches the brothers interact with each other. Then he turned to Jin and whispered, "Sir Jin, at first I was wondering why you're in love with him, but seeing them now and knowing them for the past days, I think I am getting the answer without even asking."

"Yeah. I know not all will understand why I chose to be with Tae. But if they would only give themselves a chance to know him, they will like him too. Just like you do now. I wish my parents would be the same, but I totally doubt it. Now, I don't even know how to tell them that they're gonna be grandparents soon.." Jin forced a smile, but sadness is evident in his eyes.

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