67. Reminisce

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Taehyung parked their vehicle just at the outskirts of the city, by the foot of the Spring mountains. Jin said he'd like somewhere quieter, with fresh air and secluded, before they go back to their hotel.

The two were sitting on the hood of the car and laying their backs on the windshield. With intertwined hands, both are staring at the starry night sky.

Jin raised his right hand and stared at the two rings in his finger. "Shines like sparkling diamonds in the sky," he muttered.

Taehyung smiled, looking at Jin. Then he raised his right hand too, together with Jin's left hand, gripping tight on his. "As they should. Coz they're fucking expensive."

Jin chuckled softly and pulled back his hand from Taehyung's hold,
"You should've told me about this. So I should've been the one to buy the wedding rings. You already gave me one for our engagement. You know that I don't want you to spend a lot on me. You're still supporting Joonie too!"

Taehyung clicked his tongue and took Jin's hand, intertwining their hands once more. "Nah! Joon is graduating this summer. I will buy him a few apartments too. It's up to him now how to manage them for his future. I think he'll soon settle with Soobin too. He's too whipped for your assistant!"

"Coz Soobin is a great guy. He's perfect for Joonie. You won't need to worry about your brother anymore. I bet he can even make better decisions in love than you when you were in his age."

Taehyung scoffed, "Pfft! When I was his age, I was busy raising him and working for his foods and tuition fees! I don't care about love those times! You're lucky-- coz if you came earlier, I wouldn't even bother looking at you!"

Jin laughed, "Yeah. I guess I'm really lucky." Jin paused for a while then caressed Taehyung's hand with his thumb while looking at him. He then said,

"May I ask something?"


"When did you start liking me? Coz I know during our blind date, you weren't serious about me."

Taehyung hummed, thinking, "Hmm.. I'm not sure. But when we first kissed that night, I really liked it. So I really wanted to fuck you. But then I realized, it's so different. It was so great that I was wanting for more than just a fuck..

Then I took you for a second date, and I saw in your eyes that you seem unhappy. Something in me had the urge to make you want to smile. I wanted to make you happier. Then I felt special.. Then I just fucking fell.."

Jin bit his bottom lip as he listens to Taehyung. All the feelings he had those times felt like rushing back to him again.

Taehyung wiped the small tear forming in Jin's eyes. He then spoke, "How about you? Do you remember when and how you started to like me?!"

"It's funny, coz I remember being interested in you during our first date when you talked about how you took care of Joonie. It was a turn on. Just a bit!"

"I knew it! Just admit, you were horny for me too."

Jin shook his head and smiled, "And so, I gave our second date a shot. You remember when you made me scream by the edge of the cliff - no one has ever made me feel that way. I felt so carefree, like every heavy loads at my back were just thrown down into the cliff..

And then I felt ready.. ready to show you my real self. I wasn't afraid to be vulnerable in front of you. Then that's the time I thought, I'm comfy with this man- coz this man made me feel like I'm a better person when I am being me. Rather than being someone my dad wants me to be. So I decided I'd give us a shot. Unexpectedly, it truly gave me happiness."

Taehyung scoots closer to Jin so he can speak nearer to his face,
"Can you imagine how much we tried impressing someone- putting up the best we can be, just to prove we're great men. Then we'll just soon realize that we'll fall more for the person who sees all our flaws..

I was openly honest to you about what I do for a living. But you accepted it and continued seeing me even if I was just a lowlife gangster. Then you-- finally coming out of your shell and being the vulnerable man that you were, instead of what's known about you as a strong, perfect CEO. I saw thru that. And I liked it about you."

Jin gave Taehyung a quick peck on the lips, "We started to love each other at our worst."

"Right. That's what I'm trying to say. But we became the reason why each other is now a better man. Well you-- you are always perfect. As for me--"

Jin quickly kissed Taehyung again to cut his words, "No. I'm not perfect. You just see me as one coz you love me perfectly."

Taehyung smiled wide with his boxy, heart shaped mouth. Then he leaned forward to capture Jin's lips into a deep, passionate kiss. He slightly hovered Jin's face to gain dominance on their kiss.

But Jin wanting more, he stuck out his tongue and shove it inside Taehyung's mouth. The latter did the same, sticking his tongue out to lick on Jin's plump lips. But Jin quickly caught it to suck on it, sipping on its juice to taste him better.

Jin moaned loud, feeling aroused at how they're making out. Taehyung abruptly pulled back from their kiss, "Fuck- baby, I want to fuck you here."

"Eh. No, it's not comfortable here. Let's go back to the hotel. I want you to toss me around our king bed and fuck me and wreck my ass like--"

"Baby! Stop talking dirty if you don't want me to take you right here, right now!"

Jin chuckled, then he got down from the hood of the car and pulled Taehyung to him. "Come Tae, there's one last thing I'd like to do here."

"What is it baby?" Taehyung asked as Jin pulled him close to the edge of the road where in front of them is an open grass field, from afar is the view of the city night lights of Las Vegas.

"Let's shout out what we're feeling right now. Just like what we did at the cliff. Anything we're feeling after being married finally." Jin said, his arms are wrapped around Taehyung's waist.

"Okay, baby. I'll go first this time."

Taehyung pulled back from Jin's hug and stepped forward, leaving Jin behind him.

"Kim Seokjin!!!! You are fucking officially mine now!!! Don't you dare divorce me!!! Or else----- I will kidnap you and tie you down on my bed!!!!"

Jin laughed, but he kicked Taehyung's butt gently, "Be serious, Tae!"

"I am serious! Okay fine.." Taehyung started to shout out loud again,
"Kim Seokjin!!!! Even if we grow old--- I won't grow tired of making love with you!!! I will love you.... now and always and forever!!!! So let's have four more children!!!!"

Jin gave Taehyung a back hug and rested his chin on his shoulder, "That is a lot!!! I am not young anymore, Tae!"

Taehyung chuckled, "Okay, let's negotiate. Three more, then?"

Jin rolled his eyes, then he came forward, "It's my turn now.."

Jin took a deep breath before he shouted at the top of his lungs,
"Kim Taehyung!!!! Thank you for bringing me happiness!!! I will never stop loving you!!! And I will always be proud to tell the whole world---- that my blind date was a fucking gangster!!!!"

Taehyung let out a small laugh, but his eyes just went teary just by recalling all the things Jin and him went thru. So he pulled Jin to face him, only to find out that he's also tearing up.

"Thank you, baby. Thanks for being the only man who's proud of me being me. I love you, Jin. I love you so much."

He grabbed Jin's head to pull him in for an aggressive but slow, fervent kiss. Jin embraced Taehyung's waist, rubbing their bodies together.

In the middle of the silent night, two hearts are sparkling even brighter than the glittering city lights-- these two hearts' vivacity are striking and gleaming like lightning, that no one, not anyone, could ever make them fade away..


A/n: Next chapter is the last loveys.. 🥺

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