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Purifite is an artificial mineral that is the antithesis of Corrodium which was first created by Azmuth & Vilgax to cure lifeforms who were deeply exposed and transform by Corrodium. It was made by synthesizing the Corrodium with "the power of the sun" as he now can be used to purify those who are infected. It yellow due to the fact it's a complimentary color for purple which is the color of Corrodium.

Although it a cure, Vilgax's wife Myaxx hypothesized that it is extremely dangerous toward to the Anur System as Purifite could can kill Loboans, Thep Khufans, Transylians, Ectonurites, and Vladats as even a small amount of the mineral feed on the Corrodium within their body as they slowly turn into stone statues.

Horrify by this theory, Azmuth destroyed all traces of the Purifite but Vilgax who still waited for the Omnitrix to be complete, he secretly forge swords from synthetic material and  gave it to poachers who try to hunt in Luna Lobo.

Due to Cinos being part Loboan in his DNA, Purifite is considered more dangerous toward him than silver. While silver burn his skin and fur and truly kill by stabbing or impaled him to the heart by a weapon made from it, one slice or small attack from a weapon made of Purifite can instantly kill Cinos by turning him into a stone statue. Due to Eggman being unaware of this, Cinos' healing factor won't get rid of it.

A species of the Anur System can be cured with they were exposed with a large amount of Corrodium but if they remain as stone for over 24 hour or completely shattered, they're not coming back. This material have scene as an illegal biological weapon towards them.

Purifite have no absolute effect towards Cinos' daughters due to them having a small percentage of Loboan DNA in their biological, they're deeply immune toward this chemical compound.

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