Cyber Hell Masters

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The Cyber Hell Masters are the characters of the Hellaverse who were roboticized by Sigma who have the power of Ra Moon (he change his appearance to be his classic design as Ra Moon no longer control or possess him, similar to Megatron/ Galvatron & Unicron). With the ability to created robots from Ra Moon, Sigma combined his powers with the Metal Virus to turn organic beings into Reploids but he ability to gather enough Metal Virus for only a few can be roboticized.

I haven't designed them due to me not able to mimic their Harbin Hotel & Helluva Boss art style and they have complex design and details I cannot replicate. I envision them having that art style mixed with the 2D art style from Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X and Archie's Mega Man.

CHM-000A Frozen Angler
An ice-theme Maverick who is the Roboticized Baxter and one of the three prototypes, his weapon is the Ice Lore which is an ice whip which instant freeze enemies.

CHM-000B Bombardier Rattler
A bomb-theme Maverick who is the Roboticized Striker and one of the three prototypes, his weapon is the Gattling Bomb which he shoot teeth-like missiles from his tail.

CHM-000C Polaris Hobgoblin
A spacetime-theme Maverick who is the Roboticized Wally Wackford and one of the three prototypes, his weapon is the Magna Pulser which he launch magnetic orbs to it target.

CHM-001 Aqua Cobra
A water-theme Maverick who is the Roboticized Sir Pentious, his weapon is the Aqua Spitter who he shoot water bullets from his hood.

CHM-002 Sky Feline
An air-theme Maverick who is the Roboticized Husker, his weapon is the Storm Eater which he created a tornado which bigger by devour objects.

CHM-003 Terra Canine
An earth-theme Maverick who is the Roboticized Vortex, his weapon is the Rock Arms which he used rocks and dirty to form gauntlet for close combat or launch them as projectile.

CHM-004 Razor Raptor
A cutter-theme Maverick who is the Roboticized Missi Zilla, her weapon is the Raptorial Scythe which she her sharp toe-claw for close combat or throw them like boomerangs.

CHM-005 Shadow Tyto
A darkness-theme Maverick who is the Roboticized Stolas, his weapon is the Shadow Soul which he dark shadow clones of himself to gang up on his target.

CHM-006 Shock Arachnoid
An electric-theme Maverick who is the Roboticized Zestial, his weapon is the Shocker Spear which he used his additional spider legs on his back to created a shockwave of electricity on the ground.

CHM-007 Volcanic Cockatrice
A fire-theme Maverick who is the Roboticized Asmodeus, his weapon is the Volcano Eruptor which he spit out large egg-shape fireball to his enemies which can created wall of flames.

CHM-008 Swamp Cervine
A nature-theme Maverick who is the Roboticized Alastor, his weapon the Swamp Vines which he used his antlers to gather plant matter which he form them close combat weapons which cause it target to be wrap up into a vine cocoon.

CHM-009 Solaris Archangel (Lucifer Morningstar)
A light-theme Maverick Maverick who is the Roboticized Lucifer Morningstar, his weapon the is Holy Feather which he use feather throw knives made up light energy which act like flashbang grenades or attached to target which explode to temporarily stun them.

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