Armadillo & Nia's Expanded Family

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After the destruction of the Pokken Tournament by the hand of Shadow Mewtwo and the Mavericks led by Vil, Nia decided to restart the Pokken Tournament by moving it to the Galar Region. Meanwhile most of the kids (plus Mary) were traveling in the waters as Victor and Gloria return from their 3 years Adventures and meeting new friends, so they decided to go home but this led to them shipwreck on Cinos' PokéCamp Island, home to the Mutant Pokémons created by the Kraang. Cinos, his friends, along with Armadillo & Nia came to see the emergency and stop thing before they get dangerous.

Leaf Green
An 11 years old girl from the Kanto Region, her starter was a female Bulbasaur who is currently a Venusaur. Other in her party are Jiggle the female Wiggletuff (Jigglypuff), Ditty the Ditto, Clefy the male Clefable (Clefairy), Nido the Nidoqueen (female Nidoran), a Charmander, and Blasty the male Blastoice (Squirtle). She's is cunning, quick-witted, enjoy wearing disguising, have knowledge of pokémon evolution, and have a deep fear of friends. She have a romantic relationship with Calem Xavier.

Alpha Ruby
A 12 year old boy and twin of Omega from the Hoenne Region, his Starter was a Treeko who is now a Sceptile. Other in his party are a Shiftry (Seedot), a Plusle, Kiki the female Delcatty (Skitty), Feefee the female Milotic (Feebas), and Rara the female Gardevoir (Ralts). He's very moody and sorta negative but very calm, collected, would get advice, is nearsighted, bake Pokéblocks, and secretly have a huge collection of merchandise of Kanto Pokémon. He have a romantic relationship with Lucas Dia. [He is physically based on Brandon original appearance in Ruby & Sapphire].

Omega Ruby
A 12 year old boy and twin of Alpha from the Hoenne Region, his Starter was a male Mudkip named Mumu who is now a Swampert. Other in his party are a Ludicolo (Lotad), Minun, Lorry the male Wailord (Wailmer), a Gyarados, and Nana the female Mightyena (Poochyena). He's positive and more friendly, he also dislike battle and getting dirty, enjoy sewing and knitting, and like photography. He have the relationship with form Team Magma grunt Mary "Maguma" despite their nearly 10 year age gap. [He is physically based on Brandon appearance in Alpha Ruby & Omega Sapphire].

Lucas Dia
A 12 year old boy from the Sinnoh Region, his Starter was a Turtwig which he named Tru who is now a Torterra. Other in his party are an Infernape (Chimchar), an Empoleon (Piplup), a Weavile (Sneasel), Moo the male Mamoswine (Swinub), Don the  male Bastiodon (Shieldon), with additional of the two uncaught Lax the male Munchlax and a Mime Jr. He's a seem to be a dopey and slow-witted stooge, he's is perceptive, he's apathetic, doesn't eat much and not energetic, he's also good with food like poffins. He's in a romantic relationship with Alpha Ruby.

Hilbert Kuro
A 16 year old boy from the Unova Region, his Starter was a male Tepig named Bo who is now an Emboar. Other in his party are Tula the male Galvantula (Joltik), Costa the male Carracosta (Tirtouga), Brav the Braviary (Rufflet), Musha the male Musharna (Munna), and a Dewott (Oshawott). He's a daydreamer but later forgot thing despite being smart, hot-blooded, and enjoy books in a library. He's in a romantic relationship with Hilda Shiro.

Hilda Shiro
A 16 year old girl from the Unova Region, her Starter was a female Snivy named Amanda who is now a Serperior. Other in her party are a Darlene the female Deerling, Dorothy the female Stunfisk, Nancy the female Alamomola, Solly the male Duosion (Solosis), and Barbara the Vullaby. She's is a show business expert, extremely talented in organizing and planning, reluctant in battle, and like to film talented pokémons. He's in a romantic relationship with Hilbert Kuro.

Nate Blake
A 12 year old boy from the Unova Region, his Starter was a male Oshawott who is now a Dewott and was a former International Police. Other in his party are a Lucario (Riolu), Kabutott the male Kabutops (Kabuto), Gliscott the male Gliscor (Gligar), a Exscavalier (Karrablast), and a Genesect. He is Brave but will sometime be a coward, have a lots of creativity, a skilled martial artist, very flirty, and will be serious if he want too. He's in a romantic relationship with Rosa Whitley.

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