Many Ways To Die by Goji Center

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MonsterVerse Skull Island
Part 1
Death From Above - Leafwing
Zapped To Death - Psychovulture
Strangled and Digested Alive - Vinestrangler
Crunched To Death - Deathjackal
Slurped Alive - Mother Longleg
Get Stick Bugged - Spore Mantis
Chewed To Death - Swamp Locust
Floating Cave# Of Doom - Sirenjaw
Boiled Alive - Mire Squid
Shredded To Death - Juvenile Skullcrawler
Part 2
Spontaneous Combustion - Magma Turtle
Impaled And Paraded - Sker Buffalo
Dismembered - Giant Ants
Crushed To Death - Kong
Immediate Paralysis - Vine Snake
Shadow Of Death - Camazotz's Hell Swarm
A Beautiful Sight - Spirit Tiger
Stabbed To Death - Giant Hornet
Swallowed Alive - Adult Skullcrawler "Skull Devil"
Sonic Fatality - Camazoltz
New Predators from Skull Island
Trapdoor Crab
Giant Dodo
Venus Fly Trap
Giant Ant
Rock Bug
Croc Monster "Giga Croc"
Killer Chameleon
Dog, Annie's best doggo friend
Giant Hawk

Hollow Earth
Nosedive To Hell - Hollow Earth Portals
Masticated - Foetodon "Doug"
Clawed To Death - Arachno Claw
Sliced And Diced - Murderfish's Genitor Swarm
Swallowed Alive - Murderfish
Ambushed And Impaled - Warbat
Eviscerated - Hellhawk
Death From Below - Shimidah

Jurassic World
Part 1 (Isla Nublar)
Death With No Escape - Velociraptors "Nublar Variants"
Skewered - Triceratops "Nublar Variant"
Blinded And Gutted - Dilophosaurus
Whipped And Pricked - Stegosaurus "Nublar Variants"
Mace Of Doom - Ankylosaurus "Nublar Variants"
Meat Eating Bull - Carnotaurus
Flying Lesson - Pteranodon
Quill Kill - Scorpius rex
Crunched To Death - Tyrannosaurus rex "Rexy"
Hunted For Sport - Indominus Rex
Part 2 (Isla Sorna)
Stampeded - Parasaurolophus "JP3 variant" and Corythosaurus
Nipped Apart - Compsognathus
Clawed - Male Velociraptors and Velociraptors  "JP3 variant"
Bloody KO - Pachycephalosaurus
Squashed - Mamenchisaurus
Chomped - Ceratosaurus
Ripped In Half - T. rexes Buck and Doe
Honorable Mentions - Triceratops, Stegosaurus, & Carnotaurus (Sorna Variants)
Mutilated - Spinosaurus
Part 3 (Mainland)
Swarm Of Death - Giant Locust
Quartered - Dimetrodon
Swallowed With No Escape - Mosasaurus
Deadly Swim - Pyroraptor
Facebook Peelers - Dimorphodon
Laser Of Condemnation - Atrociraptor
Impaling - Quetzalcoatlus
Claws Of Doom - Therizinosaurus
A Bloody Mess - Giganotosaurus "Zeb"
The Final Grin - Indoraptor
Part 4 (Mantah Corp Island)
Thagomized - Kentrosaurus
Sabered - Smilodon
Elimination Protocol - Bio Robotic Assistance Droid
Blasted - BRAD-X
Gored Alive - Nothosaurus
Food For Two - T. rexes Big Eatie and Small Eatie
Yanked In Two - Spinosaurus
Hybrid Death - Spinoceratops

Gennedy Tartatosky's Primal
Part 1
Munched To Death - Tyrannosaurus rex
Punched To A Pulped - Warrior Ape
A Slithery End - Giant Snake
Ragdolled - Woolly Mammoth
Torn To Shreds - Primordial Raptor
Gradual Doom - Primordial Dog
Carcass Carriers - Man Batson
Snared And Teared - Mega Spider
Plague Of Madness - Plague
Bloody Slice - Nightfeeder
Part 2
Plunging Killers - Ornithocheirus
Lethal Bite - Smilodon
Deadly Ambushed - Liopleurodon
Clean Cut - Giant Marine Turtle
Mutilated - Giant Bear
Mangled - War Elephant
Mega Jaws - Megalodon
Killed By Giants - Kamau
Carrion Feeder - Giant Vulture
Roasted Alive - Dark Chieftain


Part 1 (Toothless)
Deadly Whip
Pulled Apart
Body Impact
Deadly Jaws
Lethal Drop
Deadly Claws
Burned To Death
Plasma Blast
Part 2
Sticky Hell - Monstrous Nightmare
Iron Jaws - Hotburple
Smothered - Smothering Smokebreath
Concussive Blast - Thunderdrum
Siphoned - Submaripper
Snowy Ambush - Snow Wraith
Death By 1000 Stabs - Grim Gnasher
Boiled Alive - Scauldron
Fried To Death - Crimson Goregutter
Death By All Means - Red Death
Part 3
Slimy Terror - Slitherwing
Rain Of Death - Deadly Nadder
Blown Up - Buffalord
Feeding Frenzy - Hobgobbler
Firenado - Typhoomerang
Razor Slice - Razorwhip
Human Blender - Whispering Death
Rapid Fire - Screaming Death
Toxic Rage - Deathgripper
Living Artillery - Shellfire
Part 4
Human Demolition - Rumblehorn
Death Shower - Gronkle
Vitreous Fatality - Sandbuster
Deadly Hypnosis - Changewing
Fright Night - Frightmare
Fatal Inclusion - Deathsong
Blinding Strike - Armorwing
Dark Stinger - Speedstinger
Skrill Kill - Skrill
Frozen To Death - Bewilderbeast

Peter Jackson's Skull Island
Part 1
Peeled To The Bone - Killer Eel/ Letalihydrus despicatus "Contemptible deadly-serpent"
Blood Bath - Swampcrawler/ Udusaurus turpis "Ugly wet-lizard"
Face Off - Avarusaurus populator "Greedy lizard ravager"
Tree Ambush - Dinocanisaurus "Terrible dog lizard"
Trails Of Blood - Malevulosaurus perditor "Malevolent lizard destroyer"
Shoreline Butchery - Peracerdon exitialis "Deadly very sharp tooth"
Horned Demise - Ferrucutus cerastes "Horned iron hide"
Skull Splitters - Zeropteryx "Zero wing"
Bloody Siphon - Estrivermis "Glutton worm"
Death Worm - Carnictis sordicus "Vile meat-weasel"
Part 2
Flesh Frenzy - Hyduscimex maximus "Large serpent bug"
Scorpion Swarm - Scorpiopede/ Napapede harpagabdominus "Grappling-hook-abdomen scorpion-feet" or Scorpiopleura
Blood Mace - Calcarisaurus ieiuniosus "Hungry spur-lizard"
Airborne Terror - Pugbat/ Turpis porcarius "Ugly swinehead"
Gory Plunge - Turturcassis "Turtle helmet"
Brutal Stomp - Brutornis "Heavy bird"
Fatal Slash - Aciedactylus mandocaris "Sharp-edge fingers devour of crab"
Living Tomb - Sepulcro/ Sepulcrostium malus "Ugly gravemouth"
Hunted And Executed - Skull Islanders
Lethal Ambush - Vastatosaurus rex "Ravager lizard king"

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