Apex 2.0

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In my CinMei Aftermath AU or Harem AU which I incorporate CinMei, I brought him back from the dead when Cinos used the Annihilargh to erased the Pacific Rim universe.

After gathering chunks of Apex's brain and blood, surviving nanometal, and energy from the Hollow Earth, Mulu-elu Galu-gu secretly created a new Apex behind Cinos' back and using various unique alien technology of the Sonic Expanded, made a warrior similar to the Bilusaludo's original Mechagodzilla but he also incorporates weapons from Apex Cybernetics' Mechagodzilla. Inspired by Kong's Battle Axe, Galu-gu crafted a blade made from Godzilla's Dorsal Plates which he modified. He stand 7 ft tall and 250 lbs. Originally a mindless drone, he regain his memories and remember Boy as his friends as he freed from Galu-gu's control. Although he's happy to see his pal Boy again, he decided to find his own path as he see Boy is already happy and have a family with him so Cinos help him to live in the MHA universe as an ally to the Arashi and Cell, he eventually save Kaina Tsutsumi a.k.a. Lady Nagant from villains who try to kill her in hope to work with All For One, the two become extremely close as he actually like her knight which later become romantic love.

With a body made of Nanometal, this allows him to be creative which includes regenerate his damaged body but regrow limbs take longer, detached & reattach limbs, shapeshift arms limbs into weapons, and construct weapons that are handheld, hack and control machines, produce a shield around his body, and even nanometalfy organic but don't really used it, as he mostly do it to rats to eat them. Being power by the Hollow Earth energy within him, be can manipulate this super Cherenkov radiation-like quatum state energy into various attacks from his palms as projectiles, beams, and even flames are very similar to Godzilla's Atomic Breath and can charge it to be similar to the Proton Scream. He was designed to know various sword fighting style, can move at Mach speeds as he can run on walls, ceiling, water and water, and can lift up to 10 tons. After witness various alien races and lots of ability, Galu-gu gave Apex the ability to adapt and counter the powers and abilities of those races. Apex's sword is made of Godzilla's Dorsal Plate but was modified to to fused with the elements and energies, especially Chaos Energy & Hyper-Go-On Energy, enhanced and produce energy attack that to the connection of the Hollow Earth energy, and can slice to almost any material. Although power up by the Hollow Earth, he need to refuel by devour oil, metal, and electricity but mostly bio-fuel which is the reason why he mostly eat rats and even manure.

 Although power up by the Hollow Earth, he need to refuel by devour oil, metal, and electricity but mostly bio-fuel which is the reason why he mostly eat rats and even manure

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Kainapex  (Apex x Kaina Tsutsumi a.k.a. Lady Nagant)

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