Lilo & Stitch Experiments Primary Functions

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X-000: Cyber - Ultimate killer
X-001: Shrink - Shrinker
X-002: Doubledip - Doubledipper.
X-007: Gigi (Yapper) - Annoying with barking forces.
X-009: Pop - Discombobulate and disorient targets
X-010: Felix - Cleaner.
X-014: Kernel - Popcorn popping.
X-020: Slick - Salesman.
X-022: Hertz Donut - Confine and prevent movement.
X-025: Topper - Keeper of awakeness to people.
X-029: Checkers - King maker. Give each wearer the power of command in all living creatures.
X-031: Gotchu - Pincher.
X-032: Fibber - Lie detector.
X-033: Hammerface - Nail driving.
X-036: Poki - Poke holes in water containers.
X-040: Backhoe - Dig up vegetation.
X-044: Forehead - Singing barbershop tunes annoyingly off-key.
X-047: Lorider - Publicly humiliate victims by down their pants.
X-051: Hocker - Acid saliva spitter.
X-052: Coco - Turn objects into chocolate.
X-054: Fudgy - Drown people in his sweet, sticky chocolate.
X-062: Frenchfry - Prepares delectable and irresistible meals.
X-074: Welko - Produce temporary indestructible bubbles.
X-077: Zawp - Snorer. Annoying people with snoring.
X-086: Clink - Confining enemies.
X-089: Skip - Time skipper.
X-102: Stopgo - Causes traffic jams.
X-103: Stamen - Prevent the pollination of flowers by attracting bees.
X-110: Squeak - Annoying with nonstop talking.
X-111: Mulch - Push mower.
X-112: Toons - Bring pictures to life.
X-113: Shoe - Negative event generator.
X-120: Snafu - Discombobulates enemy plans.
X-122: Dorkifier - Cause people to look dorky.
X-123: Carman - Make people dance until they drop.
X-126: Stank/ Skunkuna - Launch out spheres of pink repulsive odors.
X-128: Bugby - Bug morpher. Turn civilizations into harmless insects.
X-133: PJ - Parceur abilities.
X-134: Shredder - Shredder. Shredding important documents.
X-145: Bragg/ Flute - Annoying people by telling tall tale.
X-148: Weasel - Crawl up planetary leaders' pants during public speeches.
X-149: Bonnie - Theft and evasion.
X-150: Clyde - Theft and evasion.
X-151: Babyfier - Infant maker. Change the victim into their infant form.
X-158: Finder - Finds lost things.
X-177: Clip - Uburnium eater. From a wrong language, now eats hair and become bigger with every bite.
X-199: Nosy - Digs up dirt.
X-202: Jam - Jamming radar.
X-204: Nosox - Makes socks disappear.
X-210: Retro - Reduces victims enemy weapons and technology to their primitive state.
X-214: Pix - Takes bad pictures.
X-220: Millie - Plug up air holes in filters crucial to all H-drives
X-221: Sparky - Electrical power surge.
X-222: Poxy - Transmit a disease illness to planetary leaders.
X-223: Glitch - Turns technology against its owner.
X-225: Mashy - Crush precious orbs of nearly indestructible Uburnium to useless pulp.
X-227: Butter - Batter through ticks doors and barricades.
X-228: Melty - Liquefaction of enemy fortresses weaponry and transportation.
X-229: Kingpin - Target for military war games.
X-234: Shush - Eavesdropper.
X-248: Belle - Terrifying enemies with piercing screams.
X-249: Sproing - Launch boulders.
X-251: Link - Bind together incompatible individuals.
X-254: Mr. Stenchy - Stink bomb. Emits a noxious odor that makes the location inhospitable.
X-255: Mrs. Sickly - Make people sick with nauseatingly sweet fumes.
X-258: Sample - Sonic annoyance. Drive people made by sampling sounds and repeating them in an endless, grating rhythm.
X-262: Ace - Error. Experiment classification failure. 262 have no known evil uses.
X-267: Wishy-Washy - Granting wishes.
X-272: Wormhole - Create portals to parallel universes.
X-275: Tickle-Tummy - Tickle people into utter hysterics.
X-276: Remmy - Dream eater.
X-277: Snooty - Mine and enrich Snootonium.
X-285: Lax - Causes enemies to abandon work.
X-288: Boomer - Boomerang.
X-297: Shortstuff - Sabotage mechanical and electrical devices.
X-300: Spooky - Morphs into the victim's worst fear.
X-303: Amnesio - Erases memories.
X-316: Morpholomew - Shapeshifter.
X-319: Spike - Makes victims acts goofy and stupid.
X-320: Cloudy - Depress others with constant rain.
X-322: Heckler - Bully. Undermine enemy morale with verbal abuse.
X-323: Hunkahunka - Makes the victim fall in love with the first person they see.
X-344: Dupe - Duplication.
X-345: Elastico - Distraction of hostile forces.
X-355: Swapper - Swaps people's minds.
X-358: Manners - Turns people polite.
X-360: Drowsy - Sleep inducer.
X-375: Phantasmo - Spiritual possession.
X-383: Swirly - Hypnotizer. Makes victims susceptible to the first suggestion they hear.
X-390: Slimy - Slime producer.
X-397: Spats - Argument instigator.
X-455: Mary - Hip checking unwanted guests.
X-489: Huggo - Suffocating victims.
X-501: Yin - Water sprayer.
X-502: Yang - Lava shooter.
X-505: Ploot - Polluter.
X-507: Woody - Eating wood at a rapid pace.
X-509: Sprout - Sprout into an uncontrollable forest of destruction.
X-513: Richter - Geological destructions.
X-515: Deforestator - Deforestator.
X-519: Splat - Level entire cities with small roller.
X-520: Cannonball - Creates giant waves.
X-521: Wrapper - Wrapper.
X-523: Slushy - Freeze inducer.
X-529: Digger - Digger.
X-533: Blowhard - Big blowhard
X-540: Phoon - Generates devastating wind blasts.
X-544: Thresher - Crop thresher.
X-566: Derrick - Driller.
X-586: Tank - Metal consumption. The experiment become bigger with everything it eats.
X-600: Woops - Destruction of populated areas.
X-601: Kixx - Hand-to-hand combat.
X-602: Sinker - Sinker of enemies' ships.
X-603: Zap - Living laser bolt.
X-604: Houdini - Invisibility generator.
X-606: Holio - Creates black holes.
X-608: Slugger - Deflection of incoming enemy projectiles.
X-609: Heat - Heat shooter.
X-610: Witch - Utilize supernatural forces in order to subdue and abduct planetary leaders.
X-613: Yaarp - Noisemaker.
X-617: Plasmoid - Plasma shooter.
X-619: Splodyhead - Fire plasma shooter.
X-612: Chopsuey - Destruction of populated areas.
X-624: Angel - Turn the people and experiments from good to evil with a siren song.
X-625: Reuben - Destruction of populated areas.
X-626: Stitch - Destruction of populated areas. Weapons: Sharp teeth and strong jaws for tearing stone, metal, and flesh, 4 clawed hands, and 3 poisonous spikes. EXTREMELY DANGEROUS.
X-627: Evile - Destruction of populated areas. Have all the powers of 20 different experiment.
X-628: Scratch - Destruction of populated areas. Transform into a gigantic and unstoppable monstrosity.
X-629: Leroy - Destruction of populated areas. Have of 626's power with extra boost of strength and speed.
X-630: Dark End - Ultimate super weapon

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