Hiatus OVER

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BABY I'M BACK. God so help me I've fallen in love with this story all over again. It feels like I'm finally ready to pick things up where I left off. Now, I know some of you might be skeptical. ELLIE HOW IS THIS GOING TO BE ANY DIFFERENT THEN EVERY OTHER TIME YOU PROMISED US UPDATES?!!? The answer is simple.

I'm fuckin' sad!

Normally that would be a bad thing, but it causes me to be more productive. Lord knows why. Any of you who were around during the original publication of Aviation know that my intentions for writing it was as a way to escape one of the darkest places I'd ever been in my life. I had moved from NYC back home to Florida early in the year after loosing my home and my business. At 24 I was trying to start all over again. I had just moved into my new apartment (with two girls it would turn out I didn't get along with) when everything changed. I found out in the middle of my shift at work that one of my closest friends, my business partner, my bandmate, was dead of a Heroin (or rather Fentynl)  overdose at 31. I lost all hope of life ever returning to normal without him. Suddenly, I was trapped in a new place away from all of my support systems and carrying around this immense guilt from the fights we'd had just prior to his death. I fell into a downward spiral that seemed like it had no bottom. So... I started writing.

Aviation was a world I built as a retreat for to when reality was to much to handle. Hours of research and meticulous planning kept me from eating myself alive. Along with that came all of you who read the story. I don't think I would have made it through that time without the friends I made in the early days of the EYCTE era. It was exactly what I needed at a time when I felt so lonely and isolated. I'm beyond grateful to still have some of those friends in my life every day even years later.

It makes sense in times of loss to return to things that bring you a sense of normality. On October 21st I lost the most important person in my life. My grandmother was 99 and in hospice care when she passed. It didn't come as a surprise to any of us. That still does nothing to remove the pain of loosing the woman who practically raised me. While sitting alone in my room, beside myself with grief, the only thing I could think to do was start reading Aviation.

I had promised long ago that I was going to re-edit the story. It was something that I'd started working on a few weeks prior as I knew I was about to loose her. But, I had forgotten large chunks of my own plot which was making it difficult. So, rather then re-reading as I was editing I decided to just sit down for a couple of days and read through the whole thing start to finish again. It was like seeing an old friends after years apart and realizing they're still just exactly as wonderful as you remembered.

I've decided to go ahead with the official edit of Aviation. Some have you may have noticed a change to the first chapter about a week and a half ago. It's already been updated. However when I updated the chapter to the new text all the little comment bubbles from certain passages were pushed to the bottom. I don't want to loose the discourse. Half the fun of re-reading this story was looking at all the new comments that I hadn't seen before. So I'm going to keep the original intact and release the edits as I finish them as  1(2.0), 2 (2.0), etc... each as their own chapter under the original story. I've already got a couple done, so be on the look out for them in the next couple of weeks or so. I will also be posting the edited version only on AO3. The first chapter is already up if you preffer to read it there.

Now, as for continuing.........


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