31.Never in my Wildest Dreams

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A/N: Sorry this took so long. I had to drive home this weekend because my bestie's grandfather passed away and she needed me around. It put me a little behind schedule but hey! The people you love have always got to come first. Speaking of people you love I love all of YOU! Everyone reading this. Thank you to everyone for the sweet birthday wishes! That being said this chapter was a little bittersweet. I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think. Now I need a nap <3

It's a little past Midnight, now Sunday morning. Alex, Miles and Miles mother Pauline sat at her kitchen table. She'd already been ready for bed when the two boys had come knocking on her door. Not but five minutes ago. She'd just put down cups of tea on the table before sitting down herself. The boys had been silent as she'd bustled around the kitchen. " So what brings you boys here so late in the evening?"

"Mum, there's something I need to be honest with you about," Miles said, not looking up from his tea. Alex leaned over to grab Miles hand, trying to give him the courage to speak. He's aware Miles is nervous about his mother's reaction. Pauline already knows about Alex. She's known for years that her son was in love with him even before Miles was ready to outright tell her about it. The first time Miles had brought Alex home to visit she could see exactly why her son was so infatuated with him. He was a sweet, shy, polite boy. On top of all that he was as cute as a button! Together they looked like a young John Lennon and Paul McCartney. They wrote music like them too!

" It's ok love you can do it." Alex leaned in, whispering to Miles.

"I might not be home for Christmas this year," Miles muttered. Even after years of touring he has yet to miss a Christmas at home, this would be the first one.

"Why's that Miles?" Pauline asked .

"That's a little harder to explain," Miles said. " You see, Alexa the woman you met earlier. She's not my actual girlfriend. That was a lie."

"Shame she seemed like a very nice young lady."

"She is, she's one of my best friends. I love her to bits, don't get me wrong." Miles sighed. " Alex is the one who has my heart though not her."

"I knew it! I knew there was something going on with you boys. It took long enough. You know Alex, my boy has been in love with you for years now." Pauline laughed, she's ecstatic for her son.

"Oh, I'm aware." Alex laughed. " I have to say, I'm rather smitten with him as well." He looked over at Miles unable to take his eyes off of  him, as a wide smile lands across his face. " He's absolutely my world." He added, putting a hand on Miles' chin, tilting his head up to face him. That small gesture gave Miles the confidence he needed to go on with the conversation .

"So what does this have to do with Christmas? And Alex what about that pretty little girl you're marrying. Does she know that you two are involved." Pauline asked.

"She knows, she actively encourages us," Alex said. " And she and I aren't getting Married. It's a complicated situation."

"Mum, Catalina's father is a Mafia Boss so it makes our situation difficult. That's why Alexa is pretending to be my girlfriend. Cat and Alex are still going on with the wedding, but they're not getting Married. We have a plan. I can't go too much into it because I don't want you wrapped up in it but it's going to get Alex and I away from all of the madness, and allow us and our families and friends to still have protection. For that to happen we have to act like the wedding is happening as planned." Miles attempts to explain. " The truth is She's not going to Marry Alex. I am. We're going to elope in November once the wedding has passed. That means we have to lay low somewhere for a while."

"WHAT?" Pauline jumped up from the table running around to the other side to hug both of the boys.

"Yeah, mom. Alex and I have decided this is it for us. We're spending the rest of our lives together."

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