47. I Don't Like You Anymore

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A/N: I wanted this to be done like two days ago but I'm an easily distracted human being omg. Maaaaaaybe this will make up for the horribel things I've done! Maybe It wont! Maybe they'll get back together, or maaaaybe they won't. guess you'll just have to find out for yourself! I love all of you and I really hope you enjoy this! Let me know that you think <3

   The next morning Miles and Dante left before sunrise. By the time Alex got up the only sign that remained that Miles was ever there was the ring he'd kept clutched tightly in his fist as he slept. Upon finding that there was nothing else left for him to cling to he climbed back into bed to hide while the girls sat in the kitchen drinking their coffee. It didn't take Cat long to figure out that Alex wasn't going to join them.

"Al..." she muttered walking into the room and sitting on the bed next to him. "Alex you can't stay in bed all day We're here for a reason. There's work to do sweetheart." She knew this was hard on him, but she wasn't about to let him wallow in his misery for the whole day. "It will make you feel better to get your mind off of things."

"Nothing will make me feel better except Miles..." Alex muttered. He wants his boy back. He'd rather just sleep for the next month of however long it takes for Miles to come back to him. " Please just leave me alone."

"He's going to be back in a couple of weeks. It's not like this is forever." Cat tried to reason with him, pulling back the sheet that he'd drawn up over his head.

" You don't get it, do you? You don't get it at all!" Alex said sitting up, his eyes still misted over with fresh tears. "This isn't about him running off in the woods for your brother for a few weeks. WE BROKE UP. He's going to move out when we get back to LA. He doesn't even want to be my friend anymore."

"And how long do you think that is going to last?" Cat asked. She refuses to believe that Miles has the willpower to stay away from Alex.

"I dunno but the last time he told me to get the fuck out of his life we didn't speak for four years. He'd probably have let it go on forever if I hadn't gone to London! I can't be the one to end the silence this time he doesn't want me to and I don't know how long I can wait for him!" By now tears were falling freely down Alex's cheeks.

Cat hadn't thought about that, nor did she know about the other things that Miles had said in their conversation the night before. The house had been so quiet. It wasn't a fight, there was no screaming, there was no retaliation and somehow Alex seemed to feel as though things were so final. It hurt her heart to see him like this.

"He kept saying that he loves me but then he would turn around and say things like that he doesn't look at me and see his future anymore. He says that now he looks at me and feel rage and disgust and guilt instead of happiness... He told me I wasn't worth the way it feels to have killed." Alex went on, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Alex, I'm sure he didn't mean it like that. It's all the emotions talking. The man is traumatized. I promised you that he'll come around and I still stand by that. He will Alex he absolutely will." Cat tried to assure him.

"You also said that it changes people. What if what changed in Miles is that way that he looks at me?" Alex asked. He couldn't hold back the flood of emotions inside him any longer. He just let them go, clinging onto the front of Cat's shirt and dissolving completely into loud uncontainable sobs. Cat let him cry, petting his hair without saying anything else until Alex spoke again. " I never thought that someone I loved so much could make me feel so low... No one's ever made me feel as useless or unwanted. If even he can't love me... Miles...if my own soulmate won't love me then... what's the point anymore?"

" No, I'm not going to listen to you talk like that." Cat said sternly. She's never heard him use the word soulmate before but she can see where it's true of him and Miles. "You've got two people in this house right now that think you're amazing. Alexa and I absolutely love you Al, don't forget that."

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