15. In My Room

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A/N: I'm going to warn you now that this chapter is almost purely smut. Needed for the plot smut and a lot of fluff and smut but if that's not you dealio then you might want to sit this one out though I know and hope there are many of you who will really enjoy this chapter ;) As always your feedback means the world to me and is why i continue to do this and I love you all. I hope you enjoy this. Also, I just want to make a side note and say as a resident of Orlando what happened at pulse this week is deeply tragic. If you live in the are please go and donate blood. I already have and I know many other have as well. Give back what you can in this time of need. I hope all of you are safe thanks <3

Alex can feel his knees shake as he climbs the creaking stairs. He still hasn't let go of Miles' hand but is now gripping it tighter than ever. Miles can read the nerves all over Alex, but he wouldn't be leading the way if it wasn't something that he wanted. Miles, on the other hand, is absolutely overjoyed at the idea that he's finally going to get to have sex with Alex... and even if they don't take it that far he's still getting some tonight in some capacity. They were alone, they had time to themselves and the mood was definitely set.

Alex finally releases Miles hand which is a bit red from how tight he's been squeezing onto it. He shuts and locks the door behind them although he knows that it's entirely unnecessary as they're the only people around for Miles.

"You sure you're alright with this love? You're shaking like a leaf. I don't want to push you into anything that you're not ready for." Miles insisted. Part of him is enjoying seeing the confident Alex of the most recent years fall away, leaving him vulnerable.

"No, I'm sure. I'm fine. I'm just..... nervous I guess." Alex sighed, running his hands through his hair and sitting on the edge of the bed. " So how are we going to do this then? Who's doing what?" He asked, looking up to meet Miles' eyes. Miles was a bit caught off guard by the question it was only then that he realized, after all, the years leading them up to this point they had really talked very little about it.

" I dunno." Miles said sitting down next to Alex. " We could flip a coin, see who goes first? Rock, paper scissors if you prefer."

"Mi, please tell me you're joking. We're not leaving this big a decision up to rock paper scissors." Alex said, shooting Miles a stern look to say that though he appreciates Miles humor now is not the time for it.

"Yes, of course I was kidding... I don't know though what would you prefer?" Miles asked. With some couples there's a more defined line of who has the more dominant personality and who tends to lend more to the submissive. With Miles and Alex they were both of those things but in different aspects of their lives and relationship. Not to say that it came down to the idea of a dominant and a submissive in any kinky sense of the word but someone had to be receiving.

Neither man had either been with someone of the same gender before other then the experiences they'd had together thus far. Miles, though, unlike Alex was a bit more open with his sexuality which had been made plenty obvious by his collection of toys he had at home. It would be easier for him to bottom as he was a bit more used to the sensation of being penetrated but then again he had no idea what sort of things Alex was doing in bed with girls.

" The other day you said to Cat that you wanted me face down screaming your name," Alex said blushing as he repeated Miles words.

"Yeah, that was just talk love. I was trying to get a rise outta 'er and-"

"I think I'd like that actually. Think I want you to fuck me." Alex admitted, biting his lip. Miles perked up a little at that. He'd have been fine with the other way around too, which he was sure they would get around to at some point. This, on the other hand, was the thing he'd spent more time imaging then he'd care to admit. Dear lord he was going to fuck Alex Tuner. Though he'd never say it like that to him. Honestly for one of the first times he can remember the term 'make love' seemed much more appropriate then ' fuck' It was a silly, sappy thing to admit but it was true. Miles loved Alex with his whole heart, and Alex was trusting him to do one of the most intimate possible things to him.

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