28. I Bet That You Look Good on the Dance Floor

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A/N: This was fun because I think I might be just as much of a Strokes nerd as Alex and Miles <3 Just a heads up I'm planning to do an update either today or tomorrow but after that it will probably be a few days. Tuseday is my 25th Bday so this weekend it's time to party hard! by party I really just mean spend the whole weekend laying around in the river drinking beer My friend told me he got me an inflatable alligator that has cup holders and I've never been so stoked in my life! Anyways, really hope you guys like this chapter. Let me know what you think <3

 "Alexander you are being ridiculous, and it's starting to get on my last nerve," Miles shouted. He threw his hands in the air in exasperation before turning back the bag he was packing. They had been in a heated debate for the last half hour as they prepared to leave for London that afternoon. The time had come to put The Strokes' tickets that had bought to use and neither could contain their excitement. They would arrive in London this evening, go to the show tomorrow, then go to Wirral to Visit Miles' mother for a few days before returning to LA.

" I just don't understand it. It sounds like noise to me Miles!"

"That's because Free Jazz was ballsy! It broke the rules and tore down barriers. They changed the whole idea of chord structure and rythme within the genre. It was improvised! It was Gritty! It was the punk rock of the jazz family," Miles insisted.

"Well, Maybe I don't want my Jazz to be punk rock. I just want it to be Jazz. Cool Jazz is far superior to free form. It's even got 'cool' in the name. That should be all the proof you need to know I'm right." Alex argued.

"Fine stay in your box rather then broadening your horizons. I'll stick with the true innovators and visionaries." Miles picked up a shirt that lay on the bed and threw it at Alex's face as if that was to be the end of the conversation. Alex on the other hand wasn't done making his case.

"You want to stand there and tell me Miles Davis wasn't an innivator?" Alex questioned as if he was offended by in mere insinuation. " The scope of influence he's had on music both past and present is astounding."

"Influence isn't always a guarantee of supiriority," Miles argued. " Would you say The Strokes are better than Arctic Monkeys just because they influenced you?"

"YES! Why do you think we're going all the way to London to see them!" Alex exclaimed. " Your argument is once again invalid!"

Cat walked into the room having just returned from her morning jog. She was glad she'd left her headphones in seeing as the boys were heated up over something or another. That sense of relief was cut short when Miles reached over, and pulled one of the buds from her ear. " Catalina, Can you solve this for us?"

"Solve what?" Cat asked. She'd rather not be caught up in another of their silly musical debates.

"What type of Jazz is better? Cool Jazz or Free Jazz?" Alex asked, his inflections showing which option he preferred. It was his attempt to sway her answer in his favor.

"Neither, I hate Jazz," Cat replied.

"WHAT?" Both boys shouted in unison.

"I'm a dancer, and I've had more then enough of it to last a life time." Cat said.

"But, what about-" Alex is cut off when Cat presses a finger to his lips.

"No. I'm not doing this today. I will not be pulled into your silly arguments. I'm going to take a shower." She pulled her hand away and walked towards the bathroom before either boy could say anything more.

"Well, at least you like Jazz," Miles commented to Alex with a shrug. Their previous anger was quickly forgotten, and the two went back to packing. They don't say anything else to each other until Cat comes out of the shower.

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