6. Dracula Teeth

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A/N: All of the responses to this have been so lovely and overwhelming, more than I would have expected! Thank you all so much. your continued feedback makes me want to jump for joy! I love you all  <3 updates may, unfortunately, get a little slower soon as I'm starting my new job in a little over a week but I promise that I won't let this fall off. It will be finished because I am SO excited about the final plot and chomping at the bit to get there cause AAAAAAAAAAH. Anyways, I hope you like it :D 

In the morning,  whenCat awoke she found that she was still alone meaning Alex hadn't come to bed. She got up, pulling Alex's button down from the previous night on over her undergarments that she'd slept in and went to find him, having a fairly good idea where he'd be. Her theory was proven right when she found both boys splayed out on Miles bed with the door open, still in their jeans, deep in sleep. Alex still had his hand tangled in Miles' hair but they had some space between them so Cat thought nothing of it. It's not like she wasn't known to cuddle up with her gal pals on occasion in much closer ways than the two boys were. She figured that they had probably been talking and fallen asleep like that. If she was honest they both looked rather cute sleeping so peacefully so she slipped back to the other room to grab her phone in order to snap a picture of them. Unfortunately, she didn't remember to turn the volume off and the shutter click noise startled Alex awake. He looked up to see Cat standing in the doorway with her phone in front of her face, giggling softly at them.

"Morning Beautiful," Alex said, rolling onto his back and stretching.

"Alex... shut up." Miles whined form next to him and pushing his head under his pillow. He was obviously hung over.

" I wasn't talkin' to you." Alex laughed softly, as Cat came and sat on the side of the bed next to the two boys.

" You forgot to come to bed last night." Cat said, running her hands through Alex's hair.

" I know sorry. Fell asleep talkin' with this one. He wouldn't go to sleep." He said. Miles peered out from under his pillow when he heard Cat's voice. He hated everything about her at the moment. The sweetness dripping from her voice, the enamored way Alex was looking at her and the fact that she was wearing his shirt. That shirt in particular, how dare she. He Couldn't tell if it his emotions or the copious amounts of alcohol he'd had the night before but Miles suddenly felt very sick, getting up to go and lock himself in his bathroom.

"He alright?" Cat asked.

"Hungover, he'll be fine." Alex shrugged. " Good enough anyways."

"Seems a bit agitated." Cat sighed, he'd noticed the dirty look Miles had been giving her when he left the room.

" He's probably just mad about being woken up... that shirt looks good on you," Alex muttered, pulling Cat Closer to kiss her.

" Why thank you, Mr. Turner, it looks rather good on you too." She laughed kissing him back. To be honest, Alex has mixed feeling about seeing it on her knowing the significance of it. Miles had held onto it for such a long time.

Miles walks back into his room a moment later eyes glazed over and looking obviously haggard. His hair was sticking up in the front and his forehead sweat, he walked over and fell back on the bed next to the couple. " I feel like shit." He muttered.

" You should eat something to soak up the alcohol," Cat said

"No, need more Alcohol, preferably bloody Marys." Miles insisted.

" She might be right Miles." Alex pointed out.

" Excuse you sir, who do you think you are? Going back on years and years of hangover tradition!" Miles insisted. " Hair of the dog is the only real cure. How many years of interviews have you gotten through on this same method!"

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