35.Rearrange my Mind

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A\N: Um... I don't even know what to say about this... so there's a nice surprise in here I think you'll all enjoy. What was supposed to be a brief thing in the middle turned into a lot more than intended. This ran very long because of it, but I think you'll be happy with the outcome. Let me know what you think loves <3 

After taking a little time to get take a look around the property and settle in everyone got straight down to work. Alex and Miles spent most of the afternoon playing their duet version of the songs they have so far for Owen. They wanted him to be able to get a feel for what was already written going into the process. Zach joined them on a couple of tunes that they'd already worked out the baselines for when they'd all hung out together. Owen found it all very useful jotting down notes for himself and recording each of the songs with a small voice recorder he'd brought along. It was so he could look back at them later to reference the songs in their most skeletal states. He didn't need anything high quality, just the bare bones of the melody so he could ponder them in his free time. The songs were bound to change drastically over the writing process anyways. In the world of music nothing ever ends the way it's started.

" How many of these do you think you'll end up using?" Owen asked.

"I dunno really," Alex replied.

" Maybe half?" Miles questioned looking over at Alex for confirmation.

"There's a couple I know we've got a tight hold on that we want to keep. Aviation for sure, and probably like-"

"The element of surprise. That's another good one." Miles interjected.

"Pattern too. I like how your voice sounds with that one." Alex added.

"Then there some we like, but are they-"

"To aggressively personal?" Alex asked knowing he was saying this in reference to the song that was tentatively titled 'Used to be mine'. They would really need to come up with a better title if they were going to hold on to that track. The bulk of the writing for that one had been done shortly after Alex and Cat had fallen out causing Alex's mental breakdown.

"That one does seem very dark, but I like dark," Owen said. He chewed thoughtfully on the cap of his pen and scribbled down a few more notes before looking back up at the two men in front of him.

" But then like... some of them we're thinking that...You know when we start working with them here they'll sort of like," Alex paused to scratch his head. " Fill out a bit in a way that would make them what we're looking for I guess."

"Yeah." Miles agreed, eyes transfixed on Alex while he spoke.

"We have some other stuff too, but I'm not sure about it. They're um... it's that they're not really finished yet. We'd have to flesh them out a bit, but some of the ideas are good. You know? They might be good anyways." He spoke with his hands in a way that was usually reserved for when he was struggling to find how to express himself. Owen wasn't always the easiest for them to communicate with. He was very odd and spoke in his own sort of language. Miles and Alex hadn't quite learned his lexicon yet. Something about the way Alex spoke, unsure of himself with choppy gestures reminded Miles of when they were younger. He couldn't help but suddenly feel as though he were revisiting the first record they'd made. Alex had been all excitement and nerves just the way he was now.

"We figured that the first few days we would just mess around with different things. See what we can make with what we have, or who knows, maybe a new inspiration will strike us." Miles said. He put a protective hand on the back of Alex's neck and gave it a little squeeze. The gesture seemed to instantly calm Alex's anxieties.

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