8.Dance Little Liar

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A/N: I'm going to... I'm just going to leave this here and back away slowly. I love you. and I also love and appreciate your feedback. Enjoy.

 Alex sleeps straight thought the night better then he had the last couple of days with Cat. So well in fact that he didn't wake up during the night even though his phone had gone off at least a dozen times. Nope it's not until someone is knocking on the door. Alex whined trying to bury his face deeper into Miles' shoulder. " Can we just Ignore it?" He complained, though the knocking seemed pretty persistent.

"Might be the real estate agent..." Miles sighed. " Stay here." He said pulling on a pair of Jeans off the floor that may or may not have been Alex's and closing the bedroom door. Alex groaned, rolling back over.

Miles went to the door opening it to be faced with not the real estate agent but Cat. " Oh good, so I was right to think this is your place. Is my fiance here?" she asked, halfway between concerned and angry. Hearing Cat's voice from the other room Alex immediately jumped up, looking around for clothes in a panicked rush. His shirt was in the living room along with his shoes and belt. Miles had apparently taken his pants, which he was presently hoping Cat wouldn't notice. He threw his boxers on as well as Miles pants that were laying on the floor.

"Yeah, he's here. How'd you know where I lived?" Miles asked  leaning against the door frame his own way of blocking Cat from coming in or seeing past him giving Alex a bit of time to get something on.

"This is part of my jogging route. His car is outside and this Unit was the only one with a lock box." Cat said, pointing at the box still around the door knob." Cat said, putting her hands on her hips.

"Oh, yeah he said he was going to text you, thought you knew he was here." Miles said. " c'mon in." He said as he saw the door crack open from the bedroom. "Alex, did you forget to text your woman?"

"Shit, sorry baby my phone died. We started drinking and I didn't think it was a good idea to drive home and-" Alex tried to spin a web of excuses but Cat cut him off.

"you left for the airport and I didn't hear from you once after that, you said you were coming home! You could have at least borrowed Miles phone! I thought that something happened to you! Then I was out jogging and I saw your fucking car parked out on the street." Miles stood behind her crossing his arms looking much too smug at the moment. So Alex hadn't texted Cat. He hadn't texted her or called her, or picked up her calls the entire time that they'd been together.

"I'm sorry, we started talking about the record and trying to put together-"

"Alex I don't care why just don't do that again, you had me so worried! My father being who he is when people just up and disappear like that usually it means trouble!" Cat said. Alex hadn't even considered that.

"I'm sorry kitten. Miles and I just got  side tracked. I forgot." Alex sighed. " I didn't ever consider how it might look to you." Miles had his own sort of gravitational pull, that Alex tends to find himself swept up in when he was together. It had always been that way, like how the Planets blindly followed the sun, desperate for its warmth. Miles was his sun.

"I'm trained to think a certain way Alex. You'd be rather valuable to our enemies. A Rock star who's marrying the bosses daughter. They'd get a pretty penny for you. Him too honestly." She said pointing over her shoulder at Miles. "I don't mind if you two just want to be boys and hang out but at least let me know where you are!"

"You hear that Al? We're valuable!" Miles laughed. "It's my fault, to be honest, Catalina. I know I can be a bit distracting. Sit down doll I'll put some coffee on.

"... Where.... and how." She asked looking round at the blank room full of boxes and the empty kitchen.

"Well... We'd have had a table if Alex hadn't gotten so bloody angry about it." Miles said. " and never under estimate the value of a good instant brew." He joked.

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