10. Meeting Place

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A/N: Sorry this took so long to get finished. I've been moving and starting my new job, running around like an absolute basket case for the last couple weeks. I promise as things calm down I'll get more frequent with my updates again. Hope you Enjoy it and that it was worth the wait. As always your feedback is appreciated, let me know what you think. Now I think it's time for a nap ZzzZZZzz LOVE YOU ALL. 

(Edit: As I've been going back through this story editing my mistakes I decided that an alteration needed to be made to this chapter. When I originally wrote it I forgot that it was The Little Flames that toured with Arctic Monkey's first, and not the The Rascals. The text of this chapter has been altered slightly to reflect that just by adding Mat and Eva's names and changing the band name in places. No other changes to the content were made. Just thought I should let you all know <3)

 "Al...... Alex.... Alex.... ALEXANDER!" Alex is startled awake by Cat's voice shouting at him.

"What, What what's goin' on?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. His head is pounding as he'd obviously had one too many shots the previous evening. At some point,  they had turned from Whiskey to Tequila. Never mix your liquors children, it will come back to haunt you as a residual ghost in the morning.

"The fuck is this?" Cat asked, tossing her phone at Alex. It hit him in the shoulder as he slid out from under the blankets. It was pulled open to Cat's twitter which had been bombarded with tags to posts about the show the night before.

' Saw Alex Turner and Miles Kane at Mini Mansions last night. New TLSP?'

'Mini Mansions at the Whiskey! Alex Turner even showed up for Vertigo!'

'Omg Does this mean a new Last shadow puppets record?'

' #Milex is real'

' Saw both Alex and Miles wearing death ramps rings at Mini Mansions last night!'

' #boysarebackintown Mini Mansions, Alex Turner, Miles Kane <3'

There were even a few pictures tagged with the boys in it. A Bunch of Cat's friends had sent her the posts asking what she might or might not know about all of this.

"You were SUPPOSED to be keeping this on the down-low Al. You're being reckless what if my father found out!" Cat insisted.

"Oh please, Miles and I have been acting like this for years. The kids have always had their theories about us it's nothing new. Zach is in half these pictures anyways. It's fine." Alex insisted trying to roll away.

"Then how come some of them you look fine and halfway through you start looking like you got mauled by a god damn bear. My friends were asking if you were cheating on me!" Cat insisted.

"Well, apparently they were tellin' you last night to leave me, so they must know already tha' I'm cheating. As long as they don't know wit' who and we have our own arrangement who gives a fuck." Alex said rolling over and trying to roll back over and hide under the blanket. " Why you wakin' me up for this shit."

"Because this easily could have ended with someone catching the two of you, and then we'd be in a load of trouble."

"But it didn' did it?" Alex sighed. " I came home like I's' supposed to! I'm playing by the rules." Alex sighed.

"...Just be more careful, will you... Can you two reframe from being all over each other all the time, at least out in public?" Cat rolled her eyes.

"Ok, I will..." Alex murmured. " How are you not hung over love? You were quite drunk when I got home."

"Was not!" Cat insisted.

"Were too! I had to take your shoes off for ya." Alex laughed. " I know I'm pretty hung over... just come'ere come back to bed love." He reached out for Cat while trying to hide from the light creeping through the blinds in their bedroom. " Still too early to be up." Cat hesitated before finally sinking back onto the bed and crawling over to Alex.

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