16. I Don't like You Anymore

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A/N: Notes at the end this time ;)

 The next morning Miles wakes up to find no that there is no Alex next to him. He's not alarmed by it, as he can hear the sounds of an acoustic guitar drifting in from outside. He got up, stretching and walking to the window to look outside. Sure enough, Alex was sitting out in the small garden behind the cabin strumming away on his guitar. He looked somehow younger, looking down on him from above like this. Maybe it was the soft hair that again hung, un-gelled over his face. Maybe it was the bright blue Polo shirt he was wearing that Miles hadn't seen in ages. He himself had a red one just like it. Where on earth is had disappeared to though was a mystery in and of itself. Even back in those days he and Alex had acquired an odd way of unintentionally matching or coordinating with one another. Their styles had changed over the years but their accidental habit of playing off each other didn't seem to change. It was a phenomenon that couldn't be explained with logic but one Miles hoped would never fade away.

He slipped on a pair of jeans, choosing to forgo the shirt for the time being and snuck quietly out the back door onto the porch, pulling his phone out and doing his best to sneak up behind Alex without him noticing Video already rolling on his phone. " Here we see a small monkey it's natural habitat, how majestic." He said trying not to giggle. Alex, of course, heard him and snapped his head around to look at Miles, a bit startled. He gave him an incredulous look when he saw the phone in Miles' hand.

"What're you doin?" He asked, knitting his eyebrows together. Oh, Miles had seen that look Many times before when they were young.

"Smiles Al it's for all the kids on Instagram." Miles laughed. Alex simply frowned at Miles and Went back to playing his guitar. It was obvious Alex was in no mood to be bothered with social media. He actively both disliked and refused to use it. So Miles put the phone away going to sit next to Alex on the steps. Looping an arm around his neck. " Good morning love," he said, kissing the other man's hair.

"Morning," Alex said, starting to crack a smile as his momentary feelings of annoyance were replaced by warmth and affection towards the man next to him.

"I won't actually post tha' if you don't want me too, you looked cute. It was more for me than anythin' else." Miles said.

"You called me a Small Monkey. I am not a small monkey I am a perfectly normally sized monkey!" Alex insisted.

"Oh come off it Al neither of us is very tall." Miles laughed. It's true, they'd grown a little since their teenage days, now that they had reached adulthood but still neither of them particularly had stature on their side. Miles was slightly taller than Alex but Alex certainly had more muscles than he did, a fact that Alex seemed to be well aware off.

"I'm not very tall but look at these guns." He joked, flexing his arms mostly to get a rise out of Miles. It worked because Miles desperately wants to lick the shorter man's arms.

"Those guns are going to fatally wound me one day. My dear, I have no doubt you'll be my demise." Miles said, taking the guitar from Alex's hand so he could pull him in close enough to give him a proper kiss. It was simple, sweet. No need for tongues or rough sloppiness it wouldn't have fit the mood. " How are you feeling today?" He asked.

"A little sore." Alex Admitted, blushing and averting his eyes from Miles.

"figured as much love," Miles said.

"It's a good sore, though. I like it." He added, leaning his head against Miles' shoulder.

"Did you mean what you said last night? About choosing me? Or was that just pillow talk cause you were feeling clingy?" Miles asked.

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