26. What Condition Am I In?

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A\N: Yaaaay. Sorry this took a little longer than I wanted it to but I've been a bit busy and it's extra long to make up for it and I've sprinkled in some glitter and pixie dust for added pazzaz *Jazz hands* Anyways hope you like it. Keep those comments coming I love hearing your feedback  y'all make my day every time <3

 "For god sake Alex, I can do that m'self!" Miles complained. They were getting ready to go to the airport, LA bound and Alex wouldn't let Miles do anything, including put on his own socks.

"You're not supposed to be bending Mi, it could rip your stitches!" Alex insisted, in an attempt to get Miles to stop being so stubborn. " Now c'mon, gimme your foot!" Miles had no choice but to give in Alex had made a good point. Ripping his stitches was the last thing that Miles wanted to do, he was already in enough pain as is.

Since Miles had been released from the hospital a few days ago. Alex and Alexa had hardly allowed him to do anything for himself. He hadn't protested since he'd been ( and still is) in a great deal of pain. Everything hurt, he couldn't ever find a way to get comfortable. Because of the wound, his back even laying down hurt, sitting wasn't much better and standing up would just wear him out no matter how restless he felt. Sleeping was near impossible. He couldn't sleep on his back, or his stomach, or his side because of the wounds. The only time he did sleep was after a dose of medication.

He was doing his best to hide how badly he was feeling partly for the sake of his own pride, and partly because he didn't want to worry Alex and Alexa more than was necessary. He was genuinely concerned about the trip home. He hadn't been moving much the last few day and still the pain had been excruciating. The idea of having to actually go to the airport and get on a plane as well as sitting on said plane for multiple hours seemed horrific to him.

"You going to be alright today?" Alex asked, sitting next to Miles on the guest room bed when He'd finally managed to get socks and shoes on the younger man.

"Yeah, I'll be fine I'll just pop an extra pill before we get on the plane." Miles sighed. " Really just looking forward to getting home. Sure going to miss Alexa eavesdropping on all our conversations from the other side of the wall though!" He said the last part loudly enough that it could be heard from in the other room.

" Miles I do not eavesdrop!." Alexa shouted back, only making his point and causing Alex to laugh. They both needed a bit of humor with how rough the last couple of days had been. They had barely walked in the door from the hospital 3 days prior when Miles phone had started to ring to the tune of Roxanne by the police signaling it was a call from his publicist.

"Roxy my dear, how are you? How's the baby? Everything go-"

"Cut the shit Miles have you looked at your social media recently?" Roxy snapped at him.

"Wow, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. No, I haven't had a chance to, just got my phone back when I was discharged." Miles said. " They don't work very well in the hospital. I've just gotten out!"

"So you were injured?" Roxy asked.

"Well, obviously that's generally why someone would be in a hospital. I was stabbed 4 times."

"Miles the internet thinks you're dead. The fans think you died. My phone has been blowing up and I couldn't get a hold of you." Roxy said.

"Well, you could have just called my mum she could have told you I weren't dead," Miles said. He'd had Alex get in contact with his mother to let her know what had happened. Roxy paused as if wondering she hadn't thought of that.

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