46. Close Enough to be Your Ghost

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Notes At the end this time.

    The rest of the afternoon doesn't go much better, nor does the next couple of days. When Miles had woken up from his nap on the couch (He refused to go anywhere near their bedroom) he'd started drinking almost immediately. He hadn't even shaken his hangover from the night before making the Gin harsh on his stomach. Alex had been sitting in the kitchen with Alexa while she sketched some designs for a possible new line when Miles got up. "Morning sleepy how are you feeling?" He asked getting up and walking over to Miles to kiss him. The dead look in his eyes scared Alex. It was made worse by Miles lack of response and the way he pushed past Alex to get to the cabinet where they kept the liquor. Alex frowned, giving Miles a hurt look. Miles had never not kissed him back. He was hungover and upset. Alex could understand that, so he decided to let it slide just this once. After what they had gone through the night before he couldn't blame Miles for acting a little off.

Alex sat back at the table watching Alexa sketch without a word. Moments later Miles joined them with a bottle of gin in his hand. He'd have preferred something darker in color. Something in the whiskey family or perhaps even rum, but this would have to do for now. Maybe he'd venture to the liquor store later. He could already tell that the amount they had left wouldn't get him through the days leading up to their trip. He took a swig from the bottle letting the citrus undertone burn the back of this throat.

" Mi... If you're not going to mix it with anything could you at least use a cup." Alex asked. He himself knows all too well how much easier it is to over drink when it's coming straight from the bottle. You loose all concept of the amount that you've actually had. He himself has been guilty of this on more than one occasion.

Miles says nothing he just takes another swig in defiance and gets up from the table walking off into the yard.

The following days are similar leading Miles to fall into a destructive pattern of behavior. He spent most of his waking hours completely wasted. For the time he got up until he eventually passed out there was always a liquor bottle nearby. He spent most of his time avoiding Alex and Alexa by association because they were usually together. She was trying to keep Alex from being too depressed over Miles recent attitude towards him. He wouldn't speak to him and would get up and leave the room as soon as Alex came in. This would go on until late at night when Alex was already in bed. Miles would come and lay next to him drunk as could be and on the verge of passing out. He'd wake Alex up attempting to climb into his arms and Alex would hold the younger man close while he cried. They never spoke, they would just stay there wrapped up in each other until Miles inevitably blacked out. When he awoke again Miles would get up and go back to his previous behavior if he did sleep more than two or three hours (Not that a blackout really counts as sleep) it would be on the couch away from Alex.

They figured out on the second day that Miles leaving the house was not a good idea at the moment. He would become anxious and paranoid. With his severe levels of constant intoxication, that was a dangerous combination. When he'd tried to go to the liquor store Cat had insisted on driving because he was much too drunk to be behind the wheel. This had resulted in an angry outburst from Miles, directed towards her. He didn't speak again for the rest of the day.

On the occasions Miles did speak it was usually to Cat. He seemed to have adopted a new language of noises somewhere between grunts, growls and whimpers when it came to Alex and Alexa. " I don't understand it. Why won't he talk to me.... he hasn't said a word to me in days! He's avoiding me altogether. It's so unlike him." Alex complained to Cat one morning. The two of them had left the house to go and get coffee at a little Cafe around the corner leaving Alexa at home to keep and eye on Miles. Cat had suggested to him that it might make him feel better to get out of the house for a while.

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